- Differential Equation and Square Power Sum Of Natural Number 微分方程與自然數方冪和
- The Explicit Expression involving Bernoulli Numbers for the Power Sum of Natural Numbers 自然數方冪和的包含Bernoulli數的精確表示式
- A Recurrence Formula of the Coefficient of the Sum of Natural Number's Power 有關自然數方冪和公式係數的一個新的遞推公式
- With the help of Newton formula and Vieta theorem, iterative method was used to solve problems of power sum. 摘要藉助牛頓公式和韋達定理,採用迭代的方法求解類似於自然數等冪和的問題。
- With the help of Newton formula and Vieta theorem,iterative method was used to solve problems of power sum. 藉助牛頓公式和韋達定理,採用迭代的方法求解類似於自然數等冪和的問題。
- Today we are going to classify natural numbers by seeing how many divisors they have. 我們學習根據一個數約數的個數來對自然數進行分類。
- Newton's identities are an important identity which connect the power sum of roots of a polynomial and its coefficients. 摘要牛頓恆等式是聯繫多項式根的冪和與其係數關係的一個重要恆等式。
- Ss: Whether divisible by two or not, we may divide natural numbers into odd numbers and even numbers. 根據能否被整除將自然數分為奇數、偶數。
- Eratosthenes sieve method is a method to search for all prime numbers less than natural number N(N>1). 埃拉托斯特尼篩法是求不超過自然數N(N>1)的所有質數的一種方法。
- However, for newer technologies such as 1000BASE-T that receive data simultaneously from multiple pairs in the same direction, power sum measurements are very important tests. 然而;一些較新的技術;諸如1000BASE-T在同一方向同時從多對線接收資料;所以功率加總量測是很重要的檢驗.
- The term enumerable has the same etymology as in computably enumerable sets of natural numbers. 這通常是要認真處置的常式。
- Decimals are based on ten, multiples of ten, and tenths. A decimal point separates natural numbers from decimal fractions. 小數由十;十的倍數和十分位的倍數組成.;小數點把自然數與小數部分分開
- If diverges, and there is a natural number ,such that for any ,holds, then also diverges. 如果級數發散,且當時,有成立,則級數發散。
- A track is subdivided into sectors. To distinguish the sectors,they are sequentially addressed by natural numbers 0,1,2 and so on. A sector is a primitive access unit. 磁軌又分為扇區,為了區分這些扇區,用0、1、2等給扇區按順序編上地址號,一個扇區是一個基本的存取單位。
- A track is subdivided into sectors. To distinguish the sectors,they are sequentially addressed by natural numbers 0,1,2and so on.A sector is a primitive access unit. 磁軌又分為扇區,為了區分這些扇區,用0、1、2等給扇區按順序編上地址號,一個扇區是一個基本的存取單位。
- A track is subdivided into sectors. To distinguish the sectors, they are sequentially addressed by natural numbers 0,1,2and so on.A sector is a primitive access unit. 磁軌又分為扇區,為了區分這些扇區,用0、1、2等給扇區按順序編上地址號,一個扇區是一個基本的存取單位。
- In this paper,a new genetic crossover operator,insert cros sover operator,suited for large-scale TSP is proposed for natural number enco ding scheme. 該文針對自然數編碼的方式,提出了一種較適合於大規模TSP問題求解的遺傳交叉運算元:插入交叉(InsertCrossover,簡稱IX)運算元。
- The key fact is that these axiomatizations are not expressive enough to define the set of natural numbers or develop basic properties of the natural numbers. 不過,我們沒有任何根據可以把人類根據自身演化路徑的特殊規律強加到一般生命的演化歷史上來看。
- On the Exponent of Factor 7 in Power Sum 關於方冪和中因子7的指數