- She makes clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house. 她使我們很清楚地了解到,她要自主處理自己的事情。
- Tom said he was at last master in his own house. 湯姆說他終於可能獨立處理自己的事情了。
- You've left your master in the photocopier. 你把原件留在影印機里了。
- Have a good master in spoken and written English. 英語對話、書寫流利。
- International master in tourism and leisure. 旅遊與遊憩碩士學位。
- Subodh visited the Master in 1885. 蘇波得在1885年拜訪師父。
- Am I not the most tolerant master in the world? 難道我不是世界上最寬容的主人嗎?
- My dear boy, you must not let money become your master in this way. 親愛的孩子,你決不能讓金錢把你這樣限制住了。
- Every master in Chancery has had a reference out of the cause. 大法庭里的每個推事,都從本案中混到一份資歷證明書。
- Is it possible for me to see the harbour master in person today? 我今天是否有可能見到港務局局長本人?
- The sentence "I like it" seems to be unmindful, but he really holds the qualification of national master sportsman in mountaineering. 別小看王石一句漫不經心的「喜歡」,他手裡攥的可是國家登山運動健將的資格。
- Qi Bashi was a respectable master in traditional Chinese painting. 齊白石是一位有名望的國畫大師。
- The Grand Master in the temple is chairing a meeting. 廟裡的大師父正在主持法會。
- Master in WWTP and ensure the system to normally run. 掌握整個廢水處理系統的操作,確保處理系統正常運作。
- When you master in flower market, a somewhat dazzled, it chose us. 當您徜徉在花卉市場中,一定有點眼花繚亂、難以選擇了吧。
- He is both an expert, and master in antique authentication. 他是一位鑒定古玩的行家裡手。
- Funny....I will think about it. Panjin is master in translation. 煩你。。。。偶正想你呢!你翻譯的是人話吧。
- New words should be mastered in several ways. 新的單詞應該從多方面全面掌握。
- The young writer learned a great deal from the works by masters in literature. 這位青年作家從文學大師的作品中學到了許多東西。