- Electric power enterprises as a national backbone enterprises, take an unshirkable responsibility in the society, and carry out the state policies on duty. 電力企業作為國家骨幹企業,承擔著不可推卸的社會責任,在貫徹國家方針政策方面責無旁貸。
- TY is a large-sized backbone enterprise. 工業等設備的大型骨幹企業。
- "Now a network of fibers will serve as a national backbone system of longhaul transmission lines. 光纜網路將成為全國長途傳輸線路的基幹。
- CHC is a state-owned backbone enterprise directly under the administration of central government. 中國昊華化工(集團)總公司是中央管理的國有骨幹企業。
- Ningbo Songcheng Micromotor Co., Ltd. is a backbone enterprise in China producing electric motor fittings. 本公司系國內電機配套行業的骨幹企業之一。
- Jushi Group is a backbone enterprise and a Clean Plant of Zhejiang Province and has the only "Postdoctoral Workstation in Enterprise" in north Zhejiang. 集團是國家重點高新技術企業、浙江省"五個一批"重點骨幹企業和清潔工廠,並建立有浙北地區唯一的企業博士后科研工作站。
- At present, several backbone enterprises are able to develop FF products. 目前,已有若干骨幹企業能夠自主開發FF匯流排協議產品。
- We are the backbone enterprise to produce kinds of scrap processing equipment and hydraulic pressure equipment professionally, which has abundant design and production experiences. 公司是國內專業生產各種廢金屬加工設備及液壓設備的骨幹企業,具有豐富的專業設計、生產經驗。
- Yanggu British Chemical Co., Ltd. is a professional production of chlorinated cyclohexane the backbone enterprises. 陽谷創英化工有限公司是國內專業生產氯代環己烷的骨幹企業。
- To Tat Auto Parts, Xingcheng hydraulic, who led the bearings of a number of key backbone enterprises of the strong momentum of development. 以康達汽配、興城液壓、人本軸承為龍頭的一批重點骨幹企業發展勢頭強勁。
- Dongsheng Printing, Wood Nakamori, Hannaford chemical backbone enterprises have maintained sound development momentum, the town enterprise value, taxes paid year after year the county won the first. 東升彩印、中森木業、納福化工等骨幹企業的發展勢頭良好,全鎮企業總產值、上繳稅金連年奪得全縣之首。
- Nantong Eastern Europe are the Ministry of Agriculture designated chemical production of food / feed additives, pharmaceutical intermediates backbone enterprises. 南通市蘇東化工廠是農業部定點生產食品/飼料添加劑、醫藥中間體的骨幹企業。
- The region has intensified the development of rare earth, sylvite, phosphorous, nonferrous metals and other advantageous resources, as well as the construction of energy ore production bases and backbone enterprises. 稀土、鉀鹽、磷礦、有色金屬等優勢資源的開發力度加大,能源礦產基地及骨幹企業的建設進一步加強。
- China International Intellectech Corporation (CIIC) is one of the state-owned backbone enterprises directly under the management of the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China. 中國國際技術智力合作公司(中文簡稱中智,英文簡稱CIIC)是中央直接管理的國有重點骨幹企業,是國務院國資委直屬唯一一家專業從事人力資源服務的全國性集團公司。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我們的報紙是全國性的報紙。
- Pingliang Foming pharmaceutical company limited is one of backbone enterprises of Lanzhou Foci Chinese Medicine Group.It located high-technology development district Pingliang city. 平涼佛明製藥有限責任公司是蘭州佛慈中藥企業集團藥品生產基地骨幹企業之一。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那個國家的國債在不斷地增加。
- China International Intellectech Corporation (CIIC) is one of the state-owned backbone enterprises directly under the management of the Central Government of the People』s Republic of China. 中智切合國際資本在華企業及其機構運用前沿人力資源工作方式的特點,進入人力資源代理服務,通過規模運作逐步發展成為全方位人力資源外包服務。
- Many of them wore colourful national costumes. 他們很多人都穿著色彩鮮艷的民族服裝。
- Is with the current high-tech and specialized, industry characteristics of the production of switches and switchgear backbone enterprises in east China production base for high-voltage switchgear. 公司是我國目前具有高新化、專業化、產業化特點開關及開關櫃生產骨幹企業,華東地區高壓開關設備生產基地。