- The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed. 臨床常以鼻塞流膿涕及鼻衄為主要癥狀。
- Chief complaints included unilateral nasal obstruction, blood tinged rhinorrhea and purulent rhinorrhea. 經組織切片證實為惡性黑色素腫瘤。
- The main clinical findings included cheese-like tenacious discharge, nasal obstruction, and nasal region pain. 主要臨床表現包括乳酪狀黏涕、鼻阻塞感及鼻區痛。
- This 52-year-old male patient presented with unilateral left-sided nasal obstruction, purulent nasal discharge nad occasional epistaxis for several years. 局部檢查發現左側下鼻甲後端有一結節樣肉芽腫塊,經病理切片及結核菌培養試驗證實為結核症。
- My nose is often running with a pus-like discharge; the nasal obstruction and dysosmia become worse and worse. 我鼻子里經常流出膿狀物,鼻塞和嗅覺障礙也越來越糟。
- The symp-toms included ipsilateral facial swelling(6/9), nasal obstruction, diplopia, hearing impair-ment and headache. 病人求診的癥狀以單側臉頰腫脹(6/9)為最多,其他則為鼻塞、復視、聽力減退、頭痛。
- But the seriousness of rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction does not have any relationship with the pattern. 而流鼻水與鼻塞嚴重程度均與體質證型沒有關聯性。
- When this mucus blanket is altered in amount or composition, rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, polyposis, and sinusitis may develop. 當粘液層發生質或量的改變時,可導致鼻塞、鼻息肉、鼻竇炎等疾病癥狀。
- Tinnitus, hypoacusis. Nasal obstruction, epistaxis. The aspirated and coughed up nasopharyngeal secretion is with blood, headache, and cervical mass. 耳鳴;聽力減退.;鼻塞;鼻衄
- Method: Thirty-seven patients with headache and nasal obstruction after endoscopic treatment received a follow-up checkup. 方法:對內鏡鼻竇術後頭痛、鼻塞的63例患者行進一步檢查,加強科室會診,對病因行相應治療。
- We present a 9-year-old child with intranasal lobular capillary hemangioma who suffered from epistaxis and nasal obstruction for several months. 前鼻鏡發現左側總鼻道有一大的息肉樣腫塊,經全身麻醉,以鼻竇內視鏡引導切除,病理報告為小葉狀毛細血管瘤。
- Pediatric adenoidal hypertrophy,a common childhood disease often causes snoring,nasal obstruction,rhinorrhea,dyspnea,otitis media and hearing loss. 兒童腺樣體肥大是兒童常見病,常引起打鼾、鼻塞、流涕、呼吸困難、中耳炎及聽力下降。
- The drug is used to treat symptoms induced by common colk or epidemic influenza like sternutatio,nose running and nasal obstruction. 用於普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的噴嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞等癥狀的治療。
- It was found that there were significantly differences(P<0.05) in symptoms such as snoring,mouth breathing,nasal obstruction and poor sleep in three groups. 哮喘組、OSAHS組鼾症、鼻塞、張口呼吸、睡眠不良癥狀的比例與對照組相比顯示出不同程度的差異(P<0.;05);且哮喘組、OSAHS組間差異亦有統計學意義(P均<0
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨對我來說都一樣。
- The symptoms of the upper and the lower respiratory tract are rhinitis (sneezing, pruritus of the nose, nasal stuffiness, and nasal obstruction), larynx edema, cough, wheezing, and bronchial asthma. 皮膚反應:局部的或無顯著特點的搔癢症、面部潮紅、風疹、血管性水腫、麻疹樣疹病、突發特異性皮炎;
- The product is used as over-the-counter drug for subcalorism.The drug is used to treat symptoms induced by common colk or epidemic influenza like sternutatio,nose running and nasal obstruction. 本品為感冒用藥類非處方葯藥品。用於普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的噴嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞等癥狀的治療。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那個狠心的地主不肯給他減租。
- The drug is used to relieves symptoms induced by common cold or epidemic influenza like pharynx mucosa congestion of pars nasalis pharyngis,nasal obstruction,cough and expectoration. 用於減輕由普通感冒或流感引起的鼻咽部黏膜充血、鼻塞、咳嗽、咳痰等。
- Unilateral nasal obstruction and recurrent epistaxis are the most ones.Combined radical surgical excision and irradiation therapy and long-term follow-up are consideed the best treatment for patient. 因其具有緩慢進程之局部複發或遠端轉移的特性,故以徹底的手術治療合併放射治療及長期追蹤病人為最好的處置方式。