- Continental shelf: a shallow submarine plain of varying width forming a border to a continent and typically ending at the continental slope. 大陸架:特指較淺的海底平原,其寬度各異,構成大陸的邊界並且通常在大陸斜坡處終止。
- Around the other coasts the shallow waters of the Continental Shelf are rather narrow and depths increase rapidly into the Atlantic Ocean. 環繞愛爾蘭島嶼其他海岸線的是水位很淺大陸架,但是淺水位的寬度非常狹窄,深度在大西洋海域迅速增加。
- How do people define the continental shelf? 人們怎麼確定陸架的範圍的?
- This area on the map is the continental shelf. 地圖上的這一片區域都是陸棚區。
- She is examining species on the continental shelf. 她正在對大陸架上的物種情況進行考察。
- Sediment washed down from the mountains fills in the shallow seas at the continental shelf, adding more land to the continent. 山上沖洗下的沉積物填充了大陸架上的淺海,為大陸增添了更多的陸地。
- Violent crust movements always happen near the continental shelf. 陸坡區域的地殼經常出現劇烈的活動。
- Another ocean current flows northeast along the steep continental shelf. 還有一股沿陡峭陸架坡向東北流動的海流。
- Huge glaciers that stretch over the shallow continental shelf give birth to icebergs throughout the year. 一年四季里,覆蓋在淺層大陸架上的巨大冰川生成了眾多冰山。
- Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf. 從地形角度講我們可以把沿岸平原看成是大陸架在陸上的類似構造。
- The water above the continental shelf is moved by the tides and by estuarine currents. 潮流和河口流使大陸架上的海水流動。
- The disputes most frequently have arisen in connection with federal leasing of tracts in the outer continental shelf (OCS). 由這些爭論所引發的最常見的問題與聯邦在外大陸架的租借土地有關。
- Biogenetic reefs were mainly distributed along the north continental shelf and slope of the Proto-South China Sea. 該期僅在古南海北部陸架和陸坡地區具備形成生物礁的條件。
- Gas seep system is a common phenomenon on the seafloor in the continental shelf and slope. 摘要海底天然氣滲漏系統是全球海洋環境中廣泛分佈的自然現象。
- The MMS manages the nation's natural gas, oil and other mineral resources on the outer continental shelf (OCS). 礦物管理部管理美國外大陸架的天然氣、石油和其它礦物資源。
- NPD exercises supervisory control of petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf and on Spitsbergen. 挪威石油理事會監督控制挪威大陸和斯匹次卑爾根島與石油有關的活動。
- English: 250. Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf. 中文:從地形角度講我們可以把沿岸平原看成是大陸架在陸上的類似構造。
- Marlin Black Where: right around australia, inshore waters to continental shelf. 地點:澳洲東海岸,近海到大陸架。
- They can often be found on the slopes of the continental shelf, though as yet they are impossibly awkward to extract. 它們能經常在大陸架的斜坡上找到,儘管目前來看其開採難度之大令人望而卻步。
- Indian Ocean: continental shelf of the northern Indian Ocean from the Gulf of Aden to Sri Lanka and Madras, India. 印度洋: 印度洋北部從亞丁灣到斯里蘭卡與馬德拉斯布,印度的大陸棚。