- An accompanying diagram of Putin's naked torso had arrows pointing to his major muscle groups. 文中還配有一張普京上半身的圖解,還特意用箭頭標示了他身上的幾大主要肌肉群。
- The waiters get good tips over and above their wages. 服務員除工資外還有不少小費。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 碼頭工人將舉行罷工要求增加工資。
- He salted away part of his wages each month. 他每月把工資的一部分儲存起來。
- Microbes are too small to be seen by the naked eye. 微生物很小,肉眼看不見。
- Germs are too small to be seen with a naked eye. 細菌太小,用肉眼是看不到的。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要來源。
- Many of them couldn't get along upon their wages. 他們中間很多人那時不能靠工資過活。
- This star is not visible to the naked eye. 這顆星肉眼看不見。
- Some stars are invisible to the naked eye. 有些星體肉眼是看不見的。
- These little boys swim naked in the river. 這些小孩光著身子在河裡游泳。
- Prices and wages were badly out of line. 物價與工作非常不協調。
- The manager wouldn't pay him his wages. 經理不肯把工資付給他。
- The trees were naked during autumn. 秋天裡樹木都是光禿禿的。
- The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity. 這謬論的荒誕性已被充分揭露。
- A postman's wages are 180 per week. 郵遞員的工資為每周180英鎊。
- We can't see microscopic creature with naked eyes. 我們不能用肉眼看到微生物。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他們這點工資怎麼糊口?
- He's discontented with his wage. 他不滿於自己的工資。
- The trees were left naked of leaves. 這些樹光禿禿的,沒有一片葉子。