- They always spar over trivial matters. 他們總是為一些小事而爭吵。
- U.S. presidential campaign ads spar over education. 美國總統競選廣告就教育議題進行爭辯。
- The rope, rod, or spar on which such a ring moves. 環可供這種環移動的繩子、竿子或圓材
- The rope,rod,or spar on which such a ring moves. 可供這種環移動的繩子、竿子或圓材。
- CIS: Just killing time. You wanna spar? 娛樂而已。想來比劃比劃?
- In Belgium, groups spar red after a soccer game. 在比利時,鬧事者在一場球賽之後發生了爭吵。
- Spar dir/Sparen Sie sich den Weg bitte! 回去吧! 別送了。
- I caught my sleeve on a nailhead that was standing proud of the wooden fence. 我的袖子讓釘頭扯破了,那釘頭突出木柵欄太多了。
- Imaginary spar, pure natural quartz. 幻晶石,純天然的水晶。
- A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail. 帆下桁從桅杆上伸出的長桿,用來支撐或伸展帆的下端
- A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid. 廂房的一個碳桅杆一個碳包線做一個鑄壁。
- Mast: A vertical spar or pole to which a sail or sails attach. 桅杆:一種垂直圓材或桿,用來懸挂船帆。
- Spar with her and we'll see what kind of level you're at. 你跟她練練,看看你的底子怎麼樣。
- A karate black belt chopped my knee when I spar red with him . 我和一個空手道黑帶對打時,他砍了我膝蓋。
- Operate guidebook: The CTRL attackstones for the big gun, the space attackstones for the nailhead hammer, the arrowhead acts,jumps up. 操作指南:CTRL為大炮攻擊,空間為釘頭錘攻擊,箭頭行動、跳躍。
- A metal ring that moves freely back and forth on a rope,rod,or spar. 滑環在一根繩、杆子或圓材上可以自由來回移動的金屬環
- Some showing curve shape, some not to have hammer needle without nailhead, some. 有的呈彎曲狀、有的無釘頭、有的無釘尖。
- A metal ring that moves freely back and forth on a rope, rod, or spar. 滑環在一根繩、杆子或圓材上可以自由來回移動的金屬環
- A tall vertical spar, sometimes sectioned, that rises from the keel or deck of a sailing vessel to support the sails and running rigging. 船桅,桅杆一條高的(有時為分段的)垂直檣,從帆船的龍骨或甲板直立起來以支持帆和操縱裝置
- Nailhead slightly inside embedded board, but do not get attaint paper area, nailhole should undertake antirust processing. 釘頭略埋入板內,但不得損壞紙面,釘眼應進行防鏽處理。