- 開胃stimulate the appetite
- 開胃菜starters
- 各式各樣香噴噴的薄餅a selection of savoury pancakes
- 開胃酒aperitif
- 我會給你做香蕉薄餅I'll make you banana pancakes
- 我們在做一些烤薄餅。We are making some pancakes.
- 開胃的piquant
- 我們很快就可以供應薄餅。We can serve pancakes very quickly.
- 你專心吃你的薄餅吧。Settle down and eat your pancakes.
- 在主餐前上的一道開胃菜。a dish served as an appetizer before the main meal.
- 用白芝麻和黑芝麻做成小薄餅.Use the white sesame and black sesame to make the pancake.
- 可口的小餅乾就是簡單的開胃品.Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer.
- 薄餅屋還是時時樂自助餐?House of pancakes of The Sizzler?
- 先喝點西紅柿汁開胃。I'll have a tomato juice to start with.
- 巧克力義大利芝士餡薄餅Chocolate Pancake with Mascarpone Filling
- 菜中加些辣醬使我們吃得更加開胃。The piquant sauce added to our enjoyment of the meal.
- 米飯、印度薄餅和腌菠蘿。Chicken Curry Served with Steamed Rice, Papadum and Pickled Pineapple.
- 我想要一份開胃菜與魚餐。I'd like appetizer and fish dish.
- 玉米薄餅通常在烤盤裡烤制的玉米薄餅Thin cornbread baked on a griddle.
- 想要點開胃酒嗎?Would you like to order aperitif?