- Thin paper usually used to make multiple copies. 複寫紙,打字紙複寫用的薄紙
- Abstract:The genetic diversity of 238 cultivated rice and its difference between landraces and modern cultivars have been assayed using a multiple copy microsatellite DNA marker. 摘要用一個多拷貝微衛星DNA標記分析了238份栽培水稻的遺傳多樣性及遺傳多樣性從農家品種到現代栽培品種的動態變化。
- Printing multiple copies on a page is called imposition. 在一個頁面上列印多個副本稱作拼版。
- Each copy of the virus can make multiple copies of itself and can infect any program to which it has access. 病毒的每一次複製,就會導致病毒本身的多次複製,並且使它曾訪問過的任一程序受到感染。
- It is usually best to create multiple copies of the backup, and to store one copy locally. 通常最好是創建備份的多個副本,並在本地存儲其中一個副本。
- The feature results in the. Mdf file being fully portable: you can copy and move the file, and simultaneously run multiple copies of the file on the same instance. 使用該功能可完全移植.;mdf文件:您可以複製和移動文件;並可在同一實例中同時運行文件的多個副本。
- When requesting multiple copies, the first copy will print.The remaining copies will be held on the printer until you release them via the printer's control panel. 請求多份文件時,第一份將得到列印。剩下的份數將保留在印表機上,直到您通過印表機的控制面板將其釋放。
- Multiple copy simultaneous search 多拷貝同時搜尋
- It was thought earlier that multiple copies of no more than a few different proteins make up the protein "coat" of the ribosome. 人們以前認為組成核蛋白體蛋白質「外殼」的只不過是幾個不同蛋白質的重複拷貝。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷貝是出現在紙上、印刷上或圖表上的電腦輸出。
- In the Small Publication Print Options dialog box, select Print multiple copies per sheet. 在「小型出版物列印選項」對話框中,選擇「每版列印多份」。
- These solutions typically submit multiple copies of a sub-job to different nodes within the grid. 這些解決方案通常會將一個子任務的多個拷貝提交到網格中的不同節點上。
- Working with small-sized publications that are designed to print multiple copies per sheet can be somewhat tricky. 在使用那些設計為每版列印多份小型出版物時可能需要一些技巧。
- He asked me to copy out the poems from that book. 他要我把那本書里的詩抄出來或用打字機打下來。
- Property to determine if your printer supports printing multiple copies at a time, because some printers do not. 屬性設置為要列印的份數。由於某些印表機並不支持一次列印多份,因此請使用。
- The picture now showing is a new copy. 現在上映的電影是個新拷貝。
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 這是原畫還是模本?
- Searches that use attributes of an existing object may incorrectly find multiple copies of an object of the same name. 使用現有對象的屬性搜索可能正確找到多份相同名稱的對象。
- I make a carbon copy of my documents. 我用複寫紙複寫文件。
- Adding a mirror to an existing volume provides data redundancy by maintaining multiple copies of a volume's data. 為現存的卷添加鏡像,會因維持卷數據的多份副本而造成數據重複。