- Real-timePCR
- 返回指定依賴項對象的Foreground attached property的值。Returns the value of the Foreground attached property for a specified dependency object.
- REAL服務REAL service
- 設置指定依賴項對象的Foreground attached property的值。Sets the value of the Foreground attached property on a specified dependency object.
- 立即註冊參加REAL World 2008,REAL軟體用戶大會了解更多REGISTER NOW for REAL World 2008, the REAL Software User Conference Learn more
- 通過指定樹節點綁定,可以將節點綁定到特定數據項屬性(Property)。You can bind a node to a specific data item property by specifying tree node bindings.
- RT-PCR和real time PCR法檢測胎盤蛻膜組織HLA-G mRNA。Use RT-PCR and real time PCR to quantify the HLA-G mRNA on deciduas.
- 調用PROPERTY("message",i)會返回伺服器輸出的第i行(0為第一行)。Calling PROPERTY( "message", i ) returns the i-th line of server output (with zero being the first line).
- REAL軟體公司能以8種語言為全球用戶提供客戶服務和技術支持REAL Software provides customer service and technical support in eight languages for customers around the world
- Function、Sub、Get、Set或Property語句必須在源代碼行中單獨出現。A Function, Sub, Get, Set, or Property statement must be alone on a source code line.
- real-timePCRreal-time PCR
- 當在派生類中重寫時,返回此屬性(Property)的公共或非公共get訪問器。When overridden in a derived class, returns the public or non-public get accessor for this property.
- Real-timeRT-PCRhal-time RT-PCR assay
- [currency,property+] 升值to gain (in) value
- real radius (齒輪)實際半徑
- [currency,property+] 貶值to lose (in) value
- nested-real-time-PCRnested-real-time PCR
- property是字元串,可以是下列值之一Property is a character string and can be one of the following values.
- REAL軟體公司與Novell緊密合作,已經連續兩年參與Novell的Brainshare大會。REAL Software works closely with Novell and has presented at Novell's Brainshare conference for the past two years.
- 屬性(Property)在邏輯上與欄位相同。Properties are logically the same as fields.