- Together they enjoyed a rich feast of all the delicacies of mountain and sea. 他們一起享用了一桌滿是山珍海味的盛宴。
- Finally, all those delicacies from mountain and sea began to nauseate me. 那些山珍海味吃到最後,簡直令人翻胃。
- Nearby the mountain and the sea, nature sound hearing and sea view, fantastic scenic spot in Beidaihe. 依山傍海,文松觀潮,領略大自然的妙境!珍藏北戴河最美的風景!
- Made up of three districts, namely, the harbour area, Shanhaiguan or the Mountain and Sea Pass and Beidaihe, it is the strategic junction between northeast China and north China. 市區包括海港(秦皇島港),山海關和北戴河海濱三個區,為華北通向東北的咽喉要道。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴風雨猛烈地吹過陸地和海面。
- She travelled over land and sea. 她在陸上和海上旅行。
- Come from the unique natural environment that the mountains and sea link to each other, pluck by hand, the hand made, include the purely natural composition of benefiting richly. 來自山海相連的獨特自然環境,手工採摘,手工製作,富含純天然有益成分。
- We stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我們站在山頂上,眺望鄉村。
- The plane flew into a mountain and disintegrated on impact. 飛機沖向一座山,撞得粉碎。
- The plane had passed over the mountain and was in the clear. 飛機已掠過山頭在碧空飛行。
- One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss. 在這座山上一失足便會跌入萬丈深淵。
- He flew into the side of a mountain and cracked up. 他因駕駛的飛機撞到山的一側而遇難。
- The sky and sea constituted a harmonious picture. 天空和大海構成了一幅和諧的畫面。
- No mountains and seas can stand in the way of the friendship between our two peoples. 千山萬水也不能隔斷我們兩國人民之間的友誼。
- We light a bonfire with language,comforting each other over mountains and seas,warming up each other's heart. 我們用語言點燃起一堆堆的篝火,在遠隔千山萬水的地方彼此慰籍彼此溫暖。
- These wastes will kill fish in the river and sea. 這些廢料會將江河和海洋里的魚類毒死。
- Planning of land, air and sea transport operations. 地面、空中與海洋運輸運營的規劃。
- Benxi Mountain and Water Travel Service Co., Ltd. 本溪市山水觀光旅行社有限公司。
- By Land, Air and Sea We Prosper. 憑陸、空、海我們得以繁榮。
- They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond. 他們越過群山,到了那邊的山谷。