- Camellia yellow mottle leaf virus 山茶葉黃斑病毒
- Strawberry mottle leaf tattering virus 草莓斑點碎葉病毒
- Identification and detection of pathogen causing mottle leaf of pomelo 柚類果樹葉片斑駁病的病原鑒定與檢測
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄欖葉是和平的象徵。
- A stemless plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) having narrow, rigid, often mottled leaves and widely cultivated as a houseplant. 虎尾蘭:一種無莖植物(虎尾蘭虎尾蘭屬),其葉窄,堅實且常常有斑點,作為室內植物被大量種植
- I saw him take a leaf out of the book. 我看見他從書上撕下一頁。
- Most of them grow in limestone regions and are epiphytic or terrestrial.There are two types of leaves mottled leaves and green leaves. 大多數種類生長於石灰岩山地,多為半附生蘭,呈叢生生長,另一部分生長於酸性砂岩面的腐葉土上,多為地生蘭,呈單株生長或分櫱狀散生;
- The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada. 楓葉是加拿大的象徵。
- The trees and shrubs were in full leaf. 那些樹和灌木枝葉茂盛。
- A perennial herb (Pachysandra procumbens), native to the southeast United States and sometimes grown as an ornamental or ground cover for its usually mottled leaves. 平鋪富貴草:原產於美國東南部的一種多年生草本植物(平卧板凳果屬),由於生有斑駁的葉子,有時作為觀賞植物或地被植物而被種植
- One of several metal strips forming a leaf spring. 簧片構成片簧的幾個金屬片中的一個
- The central or principal vein of a leaf. 中脈中心的或主要的葉脈
- The trees come into leaf in spring. 春天,樹木吐芽長葉。
- You should take a leaf out of Tom's book. 你應該學學湯姆。
- A leaf came upon her book as she was reading. 她正讀著書,一片樹葉落到她的書上。
- The trees are just beginning to leaf. 樹剛剛開始長葉子。
- Not a leaf nor an insect stirred. 不單是樹葉,連個蟲子都不動。
- Hills and parks mottle the urban landscape. 桂林市是首批 「中國優秀旅遊城市」;
- The giraffe eats tender leaf from the tree highly. 長頸鹿從高高的樹上吃掉嫩樹葉子。
- The falling leaf spiralled to the ground. 落葉盤旋著飄到了地上。