- Regeneration is not moral suasion based on Word (heresy), but direct operation of the Holy Spirit. 重生不是按上帝的話的勸導(這個重生定義是異端);重生是聖靈直接的工作。
- Awareness and education, using knowledge and moral suasion to change behaviour, is a third. 意識與教育,從知識和道德上改變行為,則是第三種方法。
- But such attempts at moral suasion are not working, and those in authority seem reluctant to do more. 但是這種道德層面的嘗試並沒有起到作用,並且看來那些高層也並不太想在這方面花費更多的精力。
- Szymanski holds out hope that a bit of moral suasion from high places would suffice. 西曼斯基有理由希望,居高臨下的一點道德說教就足夠了。
- The impact of moral suasion on bank lending is at best partial and tentative, as more and more banks are now listed companies and highly incentivised to expand businesses. 由於越來越多的銀行成為上市公司,有著擴展業務的強大動力,這種道德勸說方式的作用頂多只能算是片面的、暫時的。
- Therefore, regulators can only apply moral suasion, with potential sticks like targeted issuance of central bank bills, rather than "orders". 因此,政府管理部門只能手握定向發行中央銀行票據的大棒,進行道德勸說,而不是採取下命令的方式。
- Therefore, regulators can only apply moral suasion, with potential sticks like targeted issuance of central bank bills, rather than 「orders」. 因此,政府管理部門只能手握定向發行中央銀行票據的大棒,進行道德勸說,而不是採取下命令的方式。
- In some places, such as Britain, this is being done by moral suasion only;elsewhere, as in Italy, banks may be forced to lend. 在有些地方,比如說英國,鼓勵貸款只靠道德上的說服,而在義大利,銀行卻被強迫貸款給企業。
- If moral suasion fails,Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, aform of retaliation permitted by WTO rules. 若美國不顧道義,安提瓜稱其會考慮從事些音樂軟體的翻版事業,此類報復是WTO規則所允許的。
- To stem the boom, the Fed attempted in vain to use moral suasion on the markets and restrain credit expansion only for 「legitimate business. 為抑制繁榮,美聯儲徒勞地嘗試向市場進行道德勸說,將信貸擴張限制於「合法的生意」。
- Yet we are still heirs to a noble struggle for freedom.And now we must summon all of our might and moral suasion to meet the challenges of a new age. 然而我們依然是為爭取自由而戰的崇高使命的繼承者,我們必須召喚我們所有的力量和道義的呼聲應對新時代的各種挑戰。
- While maturing behind bars, he decided that moral suasion might work where bombs had failed.It did.South Africa's white rulers surrendered power without a civil war. 在牢獄之中他漸漸成熟,認識到道德勸解的力量可能會取得暴力所不及的效果,最後果然如此,一戰未發,南非白人交出了統治權。
- Instead, to temper lending and the economy, China's central bank more often relies on moral suasion with state-controlled banks and technical adjustments to capital requirements. 因而,央行更多地採用調節資本需求以控制貸款規模。(moralsuasion則純屬胡說八九道。讀者不必理會。)
- Moral suasion, more stringent capital requirements and the usual seasonal lull reduced July's net new loans to the lowest level since Beijing started stimulating in earnest last November. 道德勸告、收緊的資本金要求和通常的季節性低迷,令7月中國凈新增貸款降至去年11月北京急切啟動刺激以來的最低水平。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的敗壞在年輕人之間蔓延。
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人們可以從寓言里吸取經驗教訓。
- You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以從中得出自己的教訓。
- His moral standards have been called into question. 他的道德標準令人生疑。
- A baby isn't born with a moral sense. 孩子並不是生來就有是非感的。
- Human beings are moral individuals. 人是有辨別是非能力的。