- Kohlberg's Moral Judgment Interview 柯爾伯格道德判斷談話
- Piaget, J. (1932/1986). The moral judgment of the child. 劉碧如(譯)。兒童道德判斷。台北:五洲。
- The Puritans' definition: Conscience is the mind of man passing moral judgment. 清教徒對良心的定義:良心是人的理智作出道德判斷。
- This article asserts bequeath and cohabitation acts are two separate acts, the court mixes together then do a moral judgment, clearly inappropriate. 本文認為遺贈與同居行為是兩個獨立的行為,而法院對遺贈行為效力的判斷與遺贈人與原告的同居行為性質的判斷摻雜在一起進行道德判斷,顯然不妥。
- We adduced the attribution theory to guide our study for we share the same opinion with Bernard Weiner on the responsibility and moral judgment . 由於在道德歸因上我們與韋納近年來的研究有一致之處,而其方法也比較合乎本階段研究的需要,所以採用歸因理論的問卷研究方法。
- It enables us to frame policies of actions and of moral judgment fit for a wider outlook than those of immediate physical stimulus or organic response. 它使我們制定的行動策略和道德評價標準超越直接生理刺激或器官反應的局限,使之適應更為廣闊的視野。
- Making the directives of the Human Genome Project apparent is important in making a moral judgment on this genetic technology. 明確人類基因組計劃的指導目標,對於從道德上評判這項基因技術十分重要。
- Blair(1996) found that the autistic children without theory of mind(ToM) can finish the moral judgment but conventional judgment. Blair(1996)發現即使沒有心理理論的孤獨症兒童,也具備道德判斷能力。
- If a colored wristband is enough to skew your moral judgment, imagine how you are affected by the 「D」 or the 「R」 label on your voting registration. 如果不同顏色的腕帶就足以左右你的道德評判,試想一下投票登記單上的「D」(民主黨)或「R」(共和黨)符號將會對你產生何種影響吧。
- Ross also makes clear that we must often know many nonmoral facts about a situation before we can legitimately make a moral judgment. 羅斯同樣明確在我們能夠合理的做出一個道德判斷之前,我們必須知道一些關於情境的非道德事實。
- To think about or express moral judgments or reflections. 說教思考或表達道德上的判斷或看法
- They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. 他們可能教得很好,而且可能不僅為了謀生而教書,但是他們中的大多數人對於涉及道德判斷的人類問題幾乎或者根本沒有進行過獨立的思考。
- What right do you have to make moral judgments about me? 他以道德為依據拒絕參軍,因為他認為殺人是不對的。
- This is an intertribal matter.Don't make moral judgments. 這是他們內部之爭,不要用得到來判斷。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面試過程中我的心跳得厲害。
- They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. 他們可以教學很好,而且不僅僅是為了掙薪水,但他們大多數人對於涉及到道德判斷的人類問題很少或沒有進行獨立的思考。
- In two functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies using moral dilemmas as probes, we apply the methods of cognitive neuroscience to the study of moral judgment. 如果不扳道岔,電車將沖向第一條軌道壓死五個人。
- They teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. 他們可以把書教得很好,而且不僅僅是為了掙薪水,但他們大多數人卻很少或沒有對需要進行道德判斷的、人的問題進行獨立思考。
- This model emphasizes the roles of emotions and imaginations in moral perception and moral judgment, as well as the importance of linking actions and consequences in moral choice. 它強調人的情感與想象在道德感知與判斷中的作用以及聯繫道德方式和後果在道德選擇中的意義。
- The moral consciousness, moral judgment and selective power of moral behavior have their origins in man's moral existence instead of education acquirement. 人的道德知覺、道德判斷力和道德行為選擇的能力等,都來源於人的道德存在,而不是通過教育的途徑獲得的。