- A momentary pleasure of lovers 春宵一刻
- Why deny it to the teacher from whom I learn an art by which I can gain my bread,and accord it to the confectioner who makes bonbons for the momentary pleasure of a sense of taste. 為什麼拒絕把這一稱號給予向我們傳授生活技藝而我們靠這種技藝獲取麵包的老師,而把它給予為使我們暫時享受一種味道而製作糖果的商人?
- Why deny it to the teacher from whom I learn an art by which I can gain my bread, and accord it to the confectioner who makes bonbons for the momentary pleasure of a sense of taste. 為什麼拒絕把這一稱號給予向我們傳授生活技藝而我們靠這種技藝獲取麵包的老師,而把它給予為使我們暫時享受一種味道而製作糖果的商人?
- The park was full of lovers making out on the grass. 公園裡到處可見一對對情侶在草地上擁抱親吻。
- Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Stanley? 我可以同斯坦利先生講話嗎?
- A pair of lovers was associated for a life union . 一對情人結為終身伴侶。
- May I have the pleasure of your company for dinner? 你今晚能不能和我共進晚餐?
- May I have the pleasure of this dance? 我可以邀請您跳這個舞嗎?
- There must be a fool in each pair of lovers. 每隊情侶中,必定有一個是傻瓜。
- Are we to have the pleasure of seeing you again? 我們是不是有福氣再見到你?
- The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love. 情人越吵越親密。
- A pair of lovers in Wang Fujing Street. 北京王府井大街上的情侶。
- Quarrels of lovers but renew their love. 情侶的爭吵只是在溫習他們的愛情而已。
- 10.Why deny it to the teacher from whom I learn an art by which I can gain my bread, and accord it to the confectioner who makes bonbons for the momentary pleasure of a sense of taste. 為什麼拒絕把這一稱號給予向我們傳授生活技藝而我們靠這種技藝獲取麵包的老師,而把它給予為使我們暫時享受一種味道而製作糖果的商人?
- F-out of lovers is the renewing of love. [諺]情人越吵越親熱。
- May I have the pleasure of addressing Mr. Chairman? 我是否可以對主席先生講話。
- Falling out of lovers is the renewing of love. 情人越吵,愛得越深。
- Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Brown? 我可有榮幸和布朗先生交談?
- We have the pleasure of informing you that... 茲欣告你方...
- May we have the pleasure of your presence? 可否請你賞光出席?敬請光臨。