- It all seems so clear and so perfectly right, Carlo Ancelotti directed Milan』s bench for the 306th time to draw Gipo Viani』s record. 一切都顯得很清晰和完美,安切洛蒂執教米蘭306場與維亞尼的紀錄相同。
- The loss of Turiaf, without the addition of any other proven veteran, leaves L.A.'s Bench Mob a bit thin in the frontcourt. 失去了圖裡亞夫,卻沒有任何有經驗的人補入,這就使得湖人的前場板凳有些薄弱。
- The World Cup winning tactician left Italy』s bench after the Germany 『06 triumph and is expected to accept a new job later this year. 這位足壇戰術高手率領義大利隊捧起了06年德國世界盃的冠軍獎盃,他期待今年晚些時候獲得一份新工作。
- For two weeks, a jury in Court of Queen』s Bench heard how he killed 23-year-old drug runner Timothy Salsman in a basement in the town of Hayter, near Provost. 兩周前,法院的陪審團審聽了他是如何將一名23歲的毒品推銷員(不太叫准), 提摩太.;薩斯曼 殺害與Hayter鎮(離Provost很近的地方)的一間地下室里。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他長得和他父親一模一樣。
- Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold. 森林裡的鬆軟沃土上長著許多野花。
- Women of her mold are easy to see through. 她那種性格的女人是很容易看穿的。
- We need more people of his mold. 我們需要更多他那種類型的人。
- The stone steps were covered with mold and ulcers. 石頭台階被霉和腐爛物覆蓋著。
- A mold in which such metal is cast. 金屬鑄模金屬錠在其中被鑄的模子
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry. 砂箱鑄造車間內保持砂模用的框架
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列問題。
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英語的複數名詞多以s結尾。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 這就是那些圖樣.;你喜歡哪一個[些]?
- Which journal(s) do you subscribe to? 你訂閱哪一種雜誌?