- Moisture Surge Extra Refreshing Eye Gel 倩碧水嫩保濕清爽眼膠
- Hydra Complete Multi-Level Moisture Eye Gel Creme7.5ml .24 oz. 多層次瞬透保濕眼霜滿足眼部肌膚無限渴望。
- After 4 weeks: the Upper Eye Gel helps reduce sagging and drooping**. 使用四周之後:上眼膠可以減少眼瞼的鬆弛和下垂。
- One day, while i was browsing the web, I found "UNT ECLAT EYE GEL HALOXYL" for dark circles and anti winkles. 有天我無意間的在網路上看到UNT的明眸水凝露,覺得價格非常平價。
- CONCLUSION:The aciclovir eye gel is characterized by slow-release to some degr... 結論:阿昔洛韋眼用凝膠具有一定的緩釋特性。
- OBJECTIVE:To study the drug-releasing characteristics of acyclovir eye gel in vitro. 目的:研究阿昔洛韋眼用凝膠的體外釋放特性。
- The present invention relates to preparation of eye gel preparation with hyaluronic aid as the matrix. 本發明涉及一種以透明質酸為基質的眼用凝膠劑的製備工藝方法。
- RESULTS:The releasing curve of the aciclovir eye gel in vitro was in line with the first-order drug releasing equation. 結果:阿昔洛韋眼用凝膠體外釋放曲線符合一級釋藥方程。
- Objective:To establish the osmotic pressure measurement method for the pearl eye gel. 目的:探討全自動冰點滲透壓計測定珍珠滴眼凝膠滲透壓值方法的可行性和準確性。
- Three shades of colour surge eye shadow 倩碧繽紛炫彩三色眼影帶眼影刷
- Colour Surge Eye Shadow - Super Shimmer 繽紛炫彩眼影-閃光系列
- Hyaluronic aid or its sodium salt is suitable for use as matrix of eye gel preparation, but is liable to bacterial contamination and deterioration. 透明質酸(或鈉鹽)雖然非常適合作為眼用凝膠劑的基質,但其易染菌和變質的缺點限制了它的使用。
- Colour Surge Eye Shadow - Velvet 繽紛炫彩眼影-啞光系列
- Colour Surge Eye Shadow Soft Shimmer 繽紛炫彩眼影
- Colour Surge Eye Shadow Soft Shimmer - Confetti 倩碧繽紛炫彩眼影-柔光系列
- This high performance oil free eye gel derived from plant sources that are rich in proteic fraction, flavonoids and tannins helps to induce brighter complexion by helping skin recover its firmness. 高效力且不含油質的眼霜由多種植物萃取配製而成,可幫助撫平眼睛周圍細緻的皮膚。
- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 熱空氣把土裡的濕氣都吸幹了。
- A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence. 洶湧而來的示威者衝破了圍欄。
- It absorbs moisture from the air. 它吸收空氣中的水分。