- He lectured to his students on modern writers. 他給學生們講了關於現代作家的一課。
- He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers. 他被公認為現代最傑出的作家之一。
- His use of language sets him apart from most other modern writers. 他對語言的運用在現代作家中別具一格。
- He is numbered among the best of modern writers. 他被列入最優秀的現代作家之中。
- The two brothers ranged with modern writers. 兄弟二人躋身於現代作家的行列。
- We think of him as representing modern writers. 我們認為他是現代作家的代表。
- Contemporary reports of past events are often more interesting than the modern writer's view of them. 歷史事件發生時當時的報導往往比現代作家對這些事件的評論更吸引人。
- Evelyn Waugh is a major modern writer in British literary history. 伊夫林-沃是英國現代文學史上一位重要作家。
- Modern writers in turn have drawn on these stories to enrich their own work. 現代作家反過來又從這些故事中吸取養分來豐富他們自己的作品。
- S.Naipaul is an important modern writer of post-colonial literature. S.;奈保爾是當代后殖民文學的重要作家。
- Xiao Wang has always liked the works of the modernist writers. 小王一直很喜歡西方現代派作家的作品。
- Donald Barthelme is an important post modernistic writer. 唐納德.;巴塞爾姆是一位重要的美國後現代主義作家。
- Dear readers, hereby warm Tip: the original three novels are purely modern writers, Writing luo jun zhuan. 親愛的讀者,特此溫馨提示:本原創三國小說純屬現代作家,羅俊撰寫。
- We hear of many prophesies made by ancient and modern writers about the evolution of a new race of super-human beings of unique awareness. 我們聽說過許多古代及現代的預言,說人類將進化成一種超人類,具有獨特的知覺方式。
- Dear readers, like warm and prompt: the three original novel is a modern writer, Luo Junzhuan write. 親愛的讀者,特此溫馨提示:本原創三國小說純屬現代作家,羅俊撰寫。
- During the process of commercialization, the modern writer is alienated into a man who sells himself as commodity. 本雅明敏銳而準確地把握了商品化進程對藝術主體的深刻影響。
- Qian Zhongshu, modern writer and expert on classical Chinese literature, was born on November 21. 1910年11月21日,中國現代作家、古典文學專家錢鍾書誕辰。
- Ailing zhang is a Modernistic writer with definite the idea of female. 張愛玲是一個具有明確女性意識的現代女作家。
- Anderson, who is a modern writer in America, enjoys high reputation and exerts a tremendous influence, serving as a link between past and future. 安德森是美國享有盛譽、承前啟後、影響深遠的現代作家。
- For Japanese modern writer Kawabata Yasunari, a show of literary inner life focuses on further prusuit for "love" in this works. 摘要對於日本現代作家川端康成來說,文學內部生命的展示集中於對愛學進行深入的探究和開掘。