- Government by the masses; mob rule. 由民眾統治; 暴民政治
- Government by the masses;mob rule. 由民眾統治;暴民政治
- How it would work in practice is unclear, but critics fear that it will legitimise mob rule. 它將如何運作尚未可知,不過批評家害怕它會使民眾統治以憲法的形式確立下來。
- During a campaign stop northeastern Thailand Wednesday, he said he will base his decision on what is good for the nation, and not be pressured by what he called mob rule. 塔克辛總理星期叄在泰國東北部競選時說,他會根據國家利益做出是否下台的決定,而不是根據他稱之為「暴民政治」的壓力。
- the lawless days of mob rule and anarchy 處於暴民統治和無政府狀態的沒有法紀的日子
- The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. 國王的模擬像被憤怒的民眾燒掉以泄心中的憤恨。
- Mob rule on China's Internet: The keyboard as weapon 中國網路暴民法則:以鍵盤為武器
- The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs. 警察面對一群投擲磚塊和汽油彈的暴徒。
- The speaker's frankness disarmed the angry mob. 演說者的坦率緩和了憤激的群眾的怒氣。
- The mob rampaged through the village. 這伙暴徒在村中橫衝直撞。
- The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob. 球迷群情激昂,一窩蜂湧進球場。
- The mob armed themselves with sticks and stones. 暴亂的群眾用棍子和石塊作武器。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷開始感到自己的統治受到了威脅。
- He pushed his way through the mob. 他從人群中擠過去。
- He is said to be a member of the mob. 據說他是犯罪集團的成員。
- But this does not rule out unofficial discussions. 但這並不排除進行非正式的討論。
- The politician geared his platform to the mob. 政客使自己的政治綱領迎合平民大眾的口味。
- The rule is inapplicable to this occasion. 那規則對這一場合不適用。
- There were angry cries from the mob. 暴徒們在怒吼。
- The speaker was roughly handled by the mob. 演說者受到暴民的粗暴對待。