- Let' s drink to the health of Mr. Li ! 讓我們舉杯祝李先生健康!
- Let 's drink a toast to our friend! 讓我們為我們的朋友乾杯!
- Mix one teaspoon of coffee with twice as much sugar. 將一茶匙咖啡和兩茶匙的糖攪在一起。
- Jason: Mix one capful of "mighty plant stuff" with 8 gallons of water. 傑森:一勺強力肥必須要和8加侖水混合。
- Let;'s drink the mellow wine together in the flowery age of 16. 16歲花季,讓我們舉起酒杯,共同領略它的芬芳。
- Let;』s drink the mellow wine together in the flowery age of 16. 16歲花季,讓我們舉起酒杯,共同領略它的芬芳。
- Mr Annan's record, inevitably, is a mixed one. 作為聯合國秘書長,安南的功過註定具有爭議。
- Go spot: Fill the sauce of full tomato with teaspoon, add mix one packet is saccharic, use the blob on purify face. 去斑:用茶匙盛滿西紅柿的醬汁,加拌一小包砂糖,用來去除面上的小斑點。
- Clerk: Sure. Here you are. This one is excellent. Just mix one drop of it with milk. 秘書:當然可以。在這裡。這個人是極好的。剛才混合一滴與牛奶。
- Caligula: I think he's drunk enough, Lord. 卡里古拉:我覺得他喝夠了,主人。
- Pouch 『bottle』 has own straw A form-fill-seal pouch with an integrated 「straw」 is being used by a Canadian packager for children』s drinks and a vodka-based 「slushy. 袋'瓶'了自己的稻草 表單填充密封郵袋一個綜合性的「稻草」正在利用加拿大包裝的兒童飲料和伏特加酒為基礎的「泥濘」 。
- Gee! I do not know these guy cries so much when he 's drunk. 哇啊!我不知道這老兄一喝酒,就會嚎啕大哭
- Gee! I do not know this guy will cry so much when he 's drunk . 哇啊! 我不知道這老兄一喝酒,就會嚎啕大哭。
- Gee! I do not know this guy will cry so much when he 's drunk. 哇啊!我不知道這老兄一喝酒,就會嚎啕大哭。
- It's a cocktail made by mixing one part of Plymouth Gin and one part of Italian vermouth. 是一種雞尾酒,用一份普利茅斯金酒和一份義大利苦艾酒配製而成。
- Members noted, however, that the picture in Japan and the euro area was a mixed one. 然而,委員會注意到日本及歐元區的情況卻喜憂參半。
- He would pass out if he took one more drink. 要是他再喝一杯酒的話,他就會醉倒了。
- Whenever I start mixing one of my songs I clean up the desk and unplug any inserts and fx, so that I only hear the plain instruments. 每當我開始混合我的歌,我清理桌面,並且拔開任何的插入和效果器,所以我只聽見清楚的設備。
- It's cocktail made by mixing one part of tequila and three parts of dry wine and lemon. 這份雞尾酒是用一份墨西哥烈酒摻三份干葡萄酒,再加上檸檬配製而成的。
- Such sex is mixed one kind absently to the person scared, be like the world is for sexual pleasure existence. 這樣的性給人一種茫然和恐懼,好象世界是為性快感而存在。