- Hurry up or you'll miss the stop. 快點,不然您就過站了。
- Step on it or we'll miss the beginning of the show. 趕快,要不然我們會趕不上演出的。
- Please don't let us miss the opportunity. 請讓我們不要錯過機會。
- I got up early lest I (should) miss the train. 我早起以免錯過了火車。
- Stop fussing about. We shan't miss the train. 坐立不安的,我們不會誤了火車的。
- Make haste, or you'll miss the first train. 快一點,要不然就趕不上第一班火車了。
- Even if I miss the meeting, what of it? 即使我不出席這次會議,那又有什麼了不起呢?
- If I don't go now, I will miss the train. 如果我現在不走,就趕不上火車了。
- If you go early you'll miss the traffic. 你早些走就能避開交通擁擠時間。
- Get your skates on or you'll miss the bus. 快點兒,不然你就趕不上公共汽車了。
- The airline pull out all the stop to get him there in time. 航空部門已想盡一切辦法好讓他及時趕到那裡。
- I drop off and miss the end of the film. 我打了個盹兒,把影片的結尾給錯過了。
- I shall have to miss the party, worse luck! 我參加不了這次聚會了,真可惜!
- Look alive! You'll miss the bus. 快點兒啊! 你要趕不上公共汽車了。
- Please let me know when we get to the stop. 到了那個站的時候,請叫我一下。
- It seems such a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat. 諾亞和他的一行之能夠及時上船,看來是一件非常令人遺憾的事。
- When you get to the stop,I'll remind you. 你到站時,我會提醒你。
- It seem such a pity that noah and his party do not miss the boat. 諾亞和他的一行之能夠及時上船,看來是一件非常令人遺憾的事。
- Is this the stop for the Central Park? 這一站是中心公園嗎?
- It is regrettable that the driver didn't see the stop sign. 很遺憾司機沒看見停車標誌。