- How vexatious to miss one's train! 沒趕上火車真氣人!
- If I miss one more class,I am gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert. 鼓手很著急,因為他的小音槌在音樂會開始前一分鐘不見了。
- If I miss this train I'll catch the next one. 如果我錯過了這班火車,就趕乘下一班。
- If I missed one more class,I was gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- I may have missed one or two in the count. 我可能會在計算時漏掉一、二個。
- Say I missed one terribly all day. 說我成天思念一顆星星。
- Mr.Lincoln's train pulledInto Westfield where hundreds of people had gathered to greet him. 林肯先生乘坐的火車駛進了衛斯特菲爾德,幾百人聚集在那裡迎接他。
- How could I miss that typo?; The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten. 我怎麼把那個錯誤給遺漏了呢?;傳送帶上工人的遺漏率是10%25。
- If I missed one more class, I was gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- Missing one or more arguments, aborting. 27缺失一個或多個參數,正在中止。
- English: Missing one or more arguments, aborting. 缺失一個或多個參數,正在中止。
- Ten to one you'll miss your train. 你很可能要趕不上火車了。
- If you serve all of them you get a gold star for your efforts, or if you miss one, you'll earn a silver star. 如果你服侍你為你的努力準備一個金色的星的他們全部,或如果你錯過一,你將會賺得一個銀的星。
- MAP (Maximum a posteriori) was proposed and realized for CHMM's training. 採用耦合隱馬爾可夫模型來識別雙手動態手勢,提出並實現了最大后驗概率的訓練。
- Just don't miss one of the best part of your life, kids are nothing to do with lonesomeness, they are your own life. 我媽媽一句話:要是當年沒要你,我們現在就會很寂寞了。說實話,當老了需要看病的時候,想找個人聊天的時候,沒有親人是很孤單的。
- Diving s training contains the quality basic training and skill basic training. 跳水運動訓練包括素質基礎訓練和技術基礎訓練。
- I remember standing behindher and peaking over her shoulder occasionally yelling out 「Pong」when she'd miss one. 我上小學的時候,她工作日偶爾打,周末必定打。
- Over the course of11 songs, listeners are transported to Bethlehem and the Virginia countryside; they bathe in New Mexico moonlight and hear the world whizzing by from the inside of a hobo' s train car. 聽過專輯中的11首歌曲,你彷彿作了看到了伯利恆的耶穌誕生地;彷彿欣賞到弗吉尼亞的鄉下風景;又如沐浴在新墨西哥州的月光之下;也會有種坐在流浪漢的旅行車裡,傾聽著世間萬物飛過車窗。
- The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss one very special to them, who had to be left behind. 除了一個小問題以外,他們既快樂又滿足。那就是,它們都各自思念著某個很特別的人,某個它們不得不離開的人。