- How vexatious to miss one's train! 沒趕上火車真氣人!
- If I miss one more class,I am gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot. 災禍臨頭。
- The rabbit' s foot was caught in a snare. 套索把兔子的腳套住了.
- Find the length of sb. 's foot v. 了解某人的弱點以控制他。
- The drummer was worried because his mallet was missing one minute before the concert. 鼓手很著急,因為他的小音槌在音樂會開始前一分鐘不見了。
- If I missed one more class,I was gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- How could I miss that typo?; The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten. 我怎麼把那個錯誤給遺漏了呢?;傳送帶上工人的遺漏率是10%25。
- I may have missed one or two in the count. 我可能會在計算時漏掉一、二個。
- Say I missed one terribly all day. 說我成天思念一顆星星。
- If I missed one more class, I was gonna fail. 假使我再缺課的話,我會不及格。
- Missing one or more arguments, aborting. 27缺失一個或多個參數,正在中止。
- English: Missing one or more arguments, aborting. 缺失一個或多個參數,正在中止。
- Then, looking down, he saw Heather' s foot pinned beneath the broken steering column. What do I do now! he thought. 他已經將她拉出一半了。再往下一看,他發現希瑟的腳還卡在折斷了的方向盤下的柱子下面。我該怎麼辦呢?他想。
- The things that you see attached to this guy』s foot are a cross between low stilts and pogo sticks. 圖片上的這名男子腳下的器械是一個介於普通高蹺和彈簧單高蹺之間的支架。
- If you serve all of them you get a gold star for your efforts, or if you miss one, you'll earn a silver star. 如果你服侍你為你的努力準備一個金色的星的他們全部,或如果你錯過一,你將會賺得一個銀的星。
- Just don't miss one of the best part of your life, kids are nothing to do with lonesomeness, they are your own life. 我媽媽一句話:要是當年沒要你,我們現在就會很寂寞了。說實話,當老了需要看病的時候,想找個人聊天的時候,沒有親人是很孤單的。
- In the 46th match, futabayana was declared the winner by mistake because the judges had not seen the wrestler』s foot leave the circle. 在第46屆比賽中,由於錯誤雙葉山被宣布為贏家,因為裁判們還沒有看到摔跤選手的腳離開場地。
- I remember standing behindher and peaking over her shoulder occasionally yelling out 「Pong」when she'd miss one. 我上小學的時候,她工作日偶爾打,周末必定打。
- Leyden. James J, MD, Albert M. Interdigital Athlete\' s Foot: the interaction of dermatophytes and resident bacteria. Arch Dermatol - Vol 114,Oct 1978,1466 - 1472. 張國華麻致中.;人體正常皮膚;鼻粘膜需氧微生物群的定量分析[J]