- minority people' s culture 民族文化
- Lijiang is inhabited by the Naxi minority people. 麗江是納西族人民聚居的地方。
- Owing to its natural beauty and unique culture of Gaoshan ethnic minority people, Sun Moon Lake is reputed as The Wonderland in Taiwan. 日月潭以其天生的絕色和獨特的高山族文化,被稱為「台灣仙境」。
- Baiku Yao minority people in Nandan have a new tradition. 你若問:「我能跟你拍張照嗎?」
- Many Dong minority people live in Guizhou, the southwest of China. 在貴州一帶,居住著很多侗族人民。
- Most Dongxiang minority people live in Gansu Province. 東鄉族主要居住在我國的甘肅省。
- People cannot appreciate the SGP』s culture in a short time, as they can not build SGP in one day. 人們不能用一天時間建成新加坡這個國家,同理,更不可能一下子領略新加坡的風情。
- He knows our business and will immediately fit with BGI's culture. 他對我們的業務十分熟悉,能很快地融入BGI的公司文化中去。」
- China and Japan"s culture including music has homology. 包括音樂在內的中日兩國文化具有一定的共通性。
- Newspapers and periodicals are main carrier of the propagandism in society and nation, and they have near relation with people』s culture life. 報刊雜誌是國家社會宣傳領域的主要載體,和人民群眾的文化生活緊密相關。
- The Chinese government fully respects the traditional culture and customs of minority nationalities,supports various minority arts,and encourages minority people to go in for all forms of artistic and sports activities. 中國政府充分尊重少數民族的傳統文化藝術和風俗習慣。政府大力扶持各種少數民族藝術,鼓勵廣泛開展各種形式的少數民族文藝體育活動。
- The arts and handicrafts of minority peoples are a splendid legacy. 少數民族工藝美術異彩紛呈。
- China 's Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors. 中華民俗園為遊人提供了各種各樣的娛樂項目。
- The Chinese government fully respects the traditional culture and customs of minority nationalities, supports various minority arts, and encourages minority people to go in for all forms of artistic and sports activities. 中國政府充分尊重少數民族的傳統文化藝術和風俗習慣。政府大力扶持各種少數民族藝術,鼓勵廣泛開展各種形式的少數民族文藝體育活動。
- OBJECTIVE:To provide references for hospital pharmacy s culture construction. 目的:為醫院藥劑科開展文化建設提供參考。
- The dissertator figure out that promoting the all-round development of people must be the key respect and run through all the aspects of China"s culture building. 本文認為,促進人的全面發展應當是文化建設的著眼點,貫穿於文化建設的各個方面。
- The KD children from total 11 minority peoples accounted for 6.4%. 共11個少數民族,其患兒佔6.;4%25;
- So,these organisational changes must have had quite an effect on BT's culture. 建議你能把速度降來下.;母音讀的再飽滿些
- Great changes have taken place in some remote mountain areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minority people. 一些偏遠山區和少數民族地區,面貌也有了很大的改變。
- Recently, he often goes to Qinghai and becomes friend of Tibetan ethnic minority people. 最近,他又常在青海,成了藏民的朋友。