- Is below the Reference Price on the Fixing Date. 於定價日低於參考價。
- Please give me a reference price. 請告知參考價格。
- "In response, the representative of China stated that China had ceased to use and would not reintroduce minimum or reference prices as a means to determine customs value. 對此,中國代表表示,中國已停止使用並將不再重新使用最低限價或參考價格作為確定完稅價格的手段。
- The reference price as follows, and the real price completely depends on the market price. 以下價格為參考價,實際價格一律以市場價格為準。
- Exchange Fund Notes Fixings are reference price for the Exchange Fund Notes published by the HKMA daily. 外匯基金債券定價是金管局每日公布的外匯基金債券參考價格。
- The Worst Performing Security as of the Fixing Date is below its Reference Price on the Fixing Date. 表現最差證券於定價日之收市價低於其參考價。
- Four experiments delineate the effects of price expectation and confidence on the internal reference price. 作者用四個實驗描述了期望價格和信心對內部參考價格的影響。
- Pharmaceutical Reference Prices How do They Work in Practice? 藥物參考價格實際中他們如何起作用?
- Benchmark price; marker price [oil] The reference price used by OPEC for oil price changes, based on the price of Saudi Arabian light crude oil. 基準價格[石油]石油輸出國組織在改變石油價格時所使用的參數價格,其基礎是沙烏地阿拉伯輕原油價格。
- Marker price; benchmark price [oil] The reference price used by OPEC for oil price changes, based on the price of Saudi Arabian light crude oil. 基準價格[石油]石油輸出國組織在改變石油價格時所使用的參考價格,以沙烏地阿拉伯輕原油價格為基礎。
- Accordingly, investors will not be able to participate in any further increase in the price of the underlying Security above the Reference Price. 因此,投資者將無法分享掛鉤證券價格進一步高於參考價所帶來之利潤。
- If the price of the underlying Security falls below the Reference Price, investors will lose some or all of their original investment amount. 若掛鉤證券的價格跌至參考價以下,投資者將會損失部分或全部投資金額。
- Investor will accumulate a total of 24,400 China Life shares at the Purchase Price of HKD31.218 (equal to the Reference Price per China Life share). 投資者將可累積合共24;400股中國人壽股份;而每股中國人壽股份之購買價為參考價;即31.;218港元。
- Yuanhua International Building, 168 million yuan for the auction reference price is the highest price so far Xiamen auction item. 遠華國際大廈拍賣的參考價格為1.;68億元,是至今為止廈門拍賣價格最高的項目。
- Green Bridge Hotel, located in the city of Jinghong Xuanwei Road 144, two stars, between the standard reference price: 160 yuan / Inter. 綠橋酒店,位於景洪市宣慰大道144號,二星級,標間參考價:160元/間。
- We have pared down our expenses to a bare minimum. 我們已最大限度地削減了開支。
- Reference Price and Knock-out Price can be a fixed amount or determined by reference to the Reference Price Percentage and Knock-out Price Percentage determined by the Issuer. 參考價及取消價可被定為固定價格或根據發行人釐定的參考價百分比及取消價百分比計算。
- The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue. 這個班最低限度要六個學生才可以繼續辦下去。
- Initial Number of Securities5 if the Closing Price of the Worst Performing Security as of the Fixing Date is below the Reference Price on the Fixing Date. 若表現最差證券於定價日之收市價低於參考價,最初證券數目5。
- Investor will be exposed to risks associated with the fall in price of the underlying Security if the price of such underlying Security falls below the Reference Price. 在掛鉤證券價格低於參考價之情況下,投資者須全面承擔掛鉤證券價格下跌之風險。