- The football game ended in a tie. 那場足球賽以平手結束。
- We went to an exciting football game last week. 我們上周看了場激動人心的足球比賽。
- Our gang went to the party after the football game. 足球賽後我們一夥人就去參加宴會。
- A good gate at the football game. 有好多人觀看了這場足球賽
- We won the football game by a fluke. 我們僥倖贏了足球賽。
- He complimented us with tickets for the football game. 他送給我們足球賽的門票。
- The girls do the special dance to whomp up the crowd before the football game. 足球賽開始前,姑娘們跳起專門編排的舞蹈,以激發觀眾的情緒。
- The home team rack up fifty points in the football game. 主隊在那次足球賽中得到五十分。
- The home team racked up fifty points in the football game. 主隊在那次足球賽中得到五十分。
- The football game was won by a sleeper, an unknown new player. 足球比賽爆冷門,有一匹黑馬贏球了,是一個名不見經傳的新球員。
- They trooped away to the football game. 他們成群地去看足球。
- I am going to watch a football game this afternoon. 他今天下午要去看一場足球賽。
- The score in the football game was 4 - 1. 足球比賽的比分是四比一。
- The host team lost the football game. 主隊踢輸了足球賽。
- A good football game always gathers a crowd. 一場精彩的足球賽總能吸引大批觀眾。
- We watched the football game on TV. 我們在電視上看足球比賽。
- Our gang go to the party after the football game. 足球賽后我們一伙人就去參加宴會。
- Thanks, Lea. I guess I got a little carried away during the football game. 謝謝你,麗。我猜這是因為我在足球比賽中有點得意忘形了。
- The football game ended in a draw. 這場足球最後踢平了。
- I watched the football game on television. 我在電視上看了這場足球賽。