- Journal of Industrial Economics. 工業經濟學雜誌》刊載工業經濟理論與實踐研究,包括市場運行、企業行為和政策環境等方面的研究論述。
- W*Hoffmann, 1958, "Growth of Industrial Economics" Manchester University Press. 錢納里.;工業化與經濟增長的比較研究[M]
- Four years ago Dr Taha was publicly honoured by Saddam Hussein at the Military Industrial Commission in Baghdad. 四年前,薩達姆曾經在巴格達的軍工委員會對塔哈公開予以褒獎。
- Mcgahan,Anita M.The Perfomace of US Corporations:1981 - 1994[ J].The Journal of Industrial Economics,December 1999. 陸國慶.;衰退產業中的企業戰略探析[J]
- I am looking for component manufacturers for military industry. 採購軍用零件。
- Mcgahan,AnitaM..The Performance of Us Corporations:1981-1994.The Journal of Industrial Economics,1999,11(4):373-398. 萬潮領;儲誠忠;李翔;袁國良.;重組之花結出什麼果--滬深股票市場公司重組績效實證研究
- Apply to military industry, such as armor piercer and so on. 用于軍事工業,如穿甲彈彈芯等。
- Industrial Economics and Organization , 2nd edn.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. 上海人民出版社、智慧出版社有限公司,1993。
- The frustration displayed by people who lose their jobs will be a dangerous force in all the major industrial economics. 那些失去工作的人們所顯露出來的挫折狀態將會成為影響所有主要工業經濟的危險力量。
- An excellent dataset for studying the evolution of hundreds of industries. Useful both for microeconomics and industrial economics purposes. 經濟,經濟學論壇,經濟論壇,經濟學,在職研究生
- Indeed, Magnus Henrekson of the Research Institute of Industrial Economics says that Sweden has created almost no net private-sector jobs since 1950* (see chart 2). 事實上,工業經濟研究所的馬格努斯·翰林克森認為瑞典從1950年起就幾乎沒有創造出純粹的私營部門的工作崗位(見圖2)。
- In the area of''seizing the large enterprises'',on the basis of establishing oil and petrochemical groups and Baoshan Steel Group,we also established ten largest military industrial groups and three largest nonferrous metal groups in succession. 「抓大」方面,在1998年組建石油、石化兩大集團和寶鋼集團的基礎上,又先後組建了軍工十大集團和有色金屬三大集團。
- The Gaoyou Duck Industry Economic Zone. 高郵鴨業園區產品加工中心。
- Jacquemin,A.P.,Kumps,A.-M.(1971) Changes in the size structure of the largest European firms:an entropy measure,Journal of Industrial Economics 20(1),pp.59-70. 饒茜;唐柳等.;中國上市公司多元化經營與股權結構關係的實證研究[J]
- In the area of 'seizing the large enterprises', on the basis of establishing oil and petrochemical groups and Baoshan Steel Group, we also established ten largest military industrial groups and three largest nonferrous metal groups in succession. 「抓大」方面,在1998年組建石油、石化兩大集團和寶鋼集團的基礎上,又先後組建了軍工十大集團和有色金屬三大集團;
- Our research discovers, many people often make industrial economics and industrial economics do not add divisional across to use, put in the problem of mutual jackknife. 我們的研究發現 ,不少人常常使產業經濟學與工業經濟學不加區分地交叉使用 ,存在互相重疊的問題。
- The private enterprise shall not be engaged in military industry and banking, and cannot produce and deal in the products prohibited by the State. 私營企業不得從事軍工、金融業的生產經營,不得生產經營國家禁止經營的產品。
- It was the former Chine-Guizhou Aviation Group(military industry)YunTian Camshaft Factory In2003, It was annexed by Guizhou Flying Dragon Energy Group. 始建於1994,2003年按照國家經貿委等八部委[2002]國經貿企改字859號文件改制,隸屬於貴州龍翔能源集團。
- It is widely used in railway, watercraft, communication, military industry, oil field, traffic, skyscrapers and refrigerated containers. 各系列產品成功供應發電機組成套廠家,廣泛應用於鐵路、船舶、郵電通信、軍工、油田、交通、高層建築及冷藏集裝箱等領域。
- In other words, the United States' military industry prospers at the expense of reducing the investment in the fields relating to people's livelihood. 換句話說,美國竣工產業的繁榮昌盛是以減少民生領域投入為代價的。