- The court of inquiry ruled that the crash was due to pilot error. 調查法庭裁決這次飛機失事的原因是由於駕駛員操作失誤所致。
- A military court at the next higher level is the court of appeal for that at the next lower level. 上一級軍事法院為下一級軍事法院的上訴法院。
- He is fishing for information by a letter of inquiry. 他寫信詢問,希望打聽一下消息。
- The Military Court of the People's Liberation Army 中國人民解放軍軍事法院
- The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five people. 調查的範圍已經縮小到只剩5個人了。
- Citizens are coordinates in a court of law. 公民在法庭上是平等的。
- He showed Mr Baker the report of the court of enquiry: the master and second mate were criticised for errors of judgement but not blamed for the deaths among their crew. 他給貝克先生看了法庭調查報告:船長和二副因判斷失誤受批評,但沒有把船員的死亡歸咎於他們。
- The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor. 所羅門國王的宮廷以其華麗著稱。
- And should this happen, she had no legal rights, no legal redress, except those same drumhead courts of which Tony had spoken so bitterly, those military courts with their arbitrary powers. 如果真的發生這樣的事情,那麼除了像托尼痛苦地提到過的那種臨時法庭和橫行霸道的軍畫裁判之外,她是沒有任何合法權利,也不可能得到任何補償的。
- My letter of inquiry brought no response. 我去信詢問,卻沒有得到迴音。
- He is a member of the commission of inquiry. 他是調查委員會的成員。
- H-evidence is not valued in a court of law. 在法院里道聽途說的證據是不受重視的。
- The military court reduced the major to captain. 軍事法庭把少校降為上尉。
- She turned to me with a look of inquiry. 她帶著詢問的神色轉向我。
- He was acquitted in military court last year. 他去年被軍事法庭無罪釋放。
- The police are following several lines of inquiry. 警方正沿幾條線索進行調查.
- S-of the lnterna-tional Court of Justice. 國際法庭規約。
- Please read this record of inquiry. 請看一下詢問筆錄。
- The book contains a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry VIII. 該書生動地描寫了亨利八世的宮廷生活。
- Supineness and dogmatism take the place of inquiry. 教條主義取代了本應有的疑問。