- Jinxing Hotel of Shenyang Military Area Command P.L.A. 瀋陽金星賓館。
- The Tibet Military Area Command carefully prepared for the occasion. 西藏軍區方面為此作了認真周到的接待準備工作。
- Reapportionment and merger reduced the number of military area commands from eleven to seven. 大軍區由11個撤併為7個。
- The annual regular exercises organized by the military area commands and services and arms all concentrate on joint operations. 各軍區、軍兵種組織的年度例行性演習均把聯合作戰作為重要課題。
- The CMC, through these four general headquar-ters/departments, directs and commands all the military area commands and the services and arms. 中央軍事委員會通過四總部對各軍區、各軍兵種實施領導指揮。
- The CMC,through these four general headquar-ters/departments,directs and commands all the military area commands and the services and arms. 中央軍事委員會通過四總部對各軍區、各軍兵種實施領導指揮。
- The PLA,comprised of the Army,the Navy,the Air Force and the Second Artillery Force,is organized in seven military area commands nationwide. 中國人民解放軍由陸軍、海軍、空軍和第二炮兵組成,在全國範圍內設立7個軍區。
- At present,the PLA has seven military area commands,namely,Shenyang,Beijing,Lanzhou,Jinan,Nanjing,Guangzhou and Chengdu. 中國人民解放軍現設有瀋陽、北京、蘭州、濟南、南京、廣州、成都7個軍區。
- Authorized by the State Council and the CMC,the military area commands exercise leadership over civil air defense in their respective regions. 軍區根據國務院、中央軍委的授權領導本區域的人民防空工作。
- Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters/departments,the services and arms and the military area commands. 它的組織體制,按基本組織結構分為總部體制、軍兵種體制、軍區體制。
- The various general departments,services and arms and military area commands have drawn up 1,000-some items of military rules and regulations. 各總部、各軍兵種、各軍區制定了1000多件軍事規章。
- Authorized by the State Council and the CMC, the military area commands exercise leadership over civil air defense in their respective regions. 軍區根據國務院、中央軍委的授權領導本區域的人民防空工作;
- Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters/departments, the services and arms and the military area commands. 它的組織體制,按基本組織結構分為總部體制、軍兵種體制、軍區體制。
- The various general departments, services and arms and military area commands have drawn up 1,000-some items of military rules and regulations. 各總部、各軍兵種、各軍區制定了1000多件軍事規章。
- METHODS: The experiment was conducted at the Psychosis Prevention Center of Lanzhou Military Area Command. 方法:實驗在蘭州軍區精神病防治中心完成。
- On March 8,the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10. 3月8日,達賴確定3月10日下午3時到西藏軍區禮堂看演出。
- On March 8, the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10. 3月8日,達賴確定3月10日下午3時到西藏軍區禮堂看演出。
- The PLA general headquarters/departments,the services and arms and the military area commands have formulated over 300 items of military rules,further advancing the course of governing the armed forces according to law. 各總部、各軍兵種、各軍區制定了300多件軍事規章,推進了依法治軍的進程。
- The general headquarters/departments,services and arms,and military area commands may,within their respective authorities,formulate military regulations in accordance with the law and the military statutes,decisions and orders of the CMC. 各總部、軍兵種、軍區,可以根據法律和中央軍委的軍事法規、決定、命令,在其許可權範圍內,制定軍事規章。
- By dismantling and merging subdivisions in the PLA general headquarters/departments,military area commands and services and arms,both the subordinate sections of the specialized organs and personnel were reduced by about 20%. 總部和軍區、軍兵種機關撤併了部分業務部門,業務部門下屬的局(處)和編製員額均減少了20%25左右。