- Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work. 流動工人為了尋找工作從一個城市移居到另一個城市。
- Encamp migrant workers near the fields. 使流動的工人在田野附近紮營
- The migrant workers squatted on the unused farm. 流動工人們擅自佔用了未曾使用過的農
- These migrant workers are constantly moving. 這些流動工作到處移動。
- I saw these flyers for migrant workers in Colombia. 我看到哥倫比亞招移民工人的小廣告。
- Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation. 流動工人易受剝削。
- Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan pay exorbitant placement fees. 在台灣的菲律賓移工付過高的仲介費。
- A migrant worker was drifting town from town, in search of work. 一個外來工在各個城鎮四處奔走,尋找工作。
- Millions of migrant workers rush home for family reunions. 意思是成千上萬的流動工人趕著回家團圓。
- Migrant workers move from country to country in search of work. 流動工人為了尋找工作從一個國家移居到另一個國家。
- Finally, he offered a lament for his fellow migrant workers. /最後,他提供了一他的同伴移居工人的哀悼。
- Migrant workers have always been a focus of public attention. 農民工問題,一直是社會各界關注的焦點。
- Migrant worker's Health Related Quality of Life is evaluated by NHP. NHP量表評價農民工人群的健康相關生命質量。
- Migrant worker as a social class hold rights titled by laws with sacrosanctity. 「農民工」作為一個階層依法享有法律賦予的各項權益,這些權益神聖不可侵犯。
- Old Zhao, in his 50』s, is a poor migrant worker slaving away in Shenzhen. 老趙與老劉同為遠赴深圳的打工仔,老劉因意外死在工地,老趙決定護送好友回故鄉安葬。
- With them goes cheap housing, vital to the city's huge pool of migrant workers. 隨著村莊的消失,廉價房屋也將不復存在,而它們對城裡為數眾多的流動工人來說是至關重要的。
- Meanwhile, a hotline numbered12338 has been opened to female migrant workers. 此外,專為進城打工婦女提供諮詢服務的熱線電話已開通,號碼為12338。
- Some developing countries are both recipients and senders of migrant workers. 一些發展中國家既是勞動力遷移的輸入國,又是勞動力遷移的輸出國。
- The monitors will be used in schools for children of Chinese migrant workers. 這些電腦顯示器將分發給打工子弟學校的孩子們使用。
- But whatever their motives, migrant workers must earn before they can remit. 但是無論什麼動機,移民工人在匯款之前必須賺到錢。