- Mediate a labor-management dispute. 調停一勞動管理上的爭端
- The state or quality of being mediate. 居中介入中間的性質或狀態
- He attempted to mediate their differences. 他試圖調停他們的分歧。
- France was asked to arbitrate the dispute between the two nations. 法國受委託調停該兩國間的紛爭。
- Mr.Smith has been asked to arbitrate between the employers and their workers. 已經請了史密斯先生來仲裁僱主與工人之間的紛爭。
- I cannot arbitrate, being interested in the matter. 由於我與這事有利害關係,因此不能作仲裁。
- The government offer to mediate in the dispute. 該政府主動提出調解爭端。
- The government offers to mediate in the dispute. 政府主動提出為爭端進行調解。
- Someone must mediate between the husband and wife. 必須有人去儘力在這對夫妻之間進行調解。
- He was asked to arbitrate (a serious dispute) between management and the unions. 他被邀請在資方與工會之間(對一嚴重爭端)作出仲裁。
- Someone must arbitrate between them. 得有一個人在他們當中進行仲裁。
- He cooled the situation down by offering to mediate between the disputing parties. 他提出願為爭執的雙方調停,情況因此緩和下來。
- They agreed to arbitrate their dispute. 他們同意經仲裁解決爭端。
- The government offered to mediate in the dispute . 該政府主動提出調解爭端。
- The government offers to mediate in the dispute . 政府主動提出為爭端進行調解。
- To act as an intermediary;mediate. 調解充當調解人;調解
- International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Arbitr. 國際商會仲裁規則。
- Meaning mediate a dispute and appease conflict. 調解糾紛,緩和矛盾。
- To act as an intermediary; mediate. 調解充當調解人;調解
- They will mediate rather than litigate. 他們會進行調解,而不是訴諸法律。