Well, you'll probably have to give up some free time. 您可能要放棄一些自由時間。
If you had unlimited leisure time, how would you spend that time? 如果給您一個無期限的自由時間,您最想做的是什麼?
No government ought to be without censors, and where the press is free, no one ever will. 任何政府都必須接受監督,當輿論自由時,也不會有例外。
Knowing that no man-made distinction can contain the One Being, the Sufi offers sincere respect to all forms of worship, while ever striving to be free of dogmatic limitation. 蘇菲知道任何人造的特性都不能包含這獨一的精神,當曾經努力從教條的局限性中自由時,他們為各種形式的禮拜提供了誠摯的尊敬。