- 辦公室惡搞party小遊戲World of Warcraft party office Games
- accredited party (信用證)開證申請人
- [party etc+] 正處於全盛時期to be in full swing
- 主人邀請了兩位舞女為party增色。The host spices up the party by inviting two dancers.
- 讓我們租一艘船,然後在船上搞party。Let's hire a boat and have our party on it.
- 聖誕Party:在理智與情感間放縱Christmas Party:free from sense and sensibility
- Denied Party Screener參考以下名單The Denied Party Screener references the following lists
- Denied Party Screener按每筆交易收費。Users of the Denied Party Screener are charged on a per-transaction basis.
- 海盜們的假日:開個大party能讓海盜們心情愉快。Pirate Festival: Improve pirate happiness with a big party.
- 進入UPS通訊錄資訊,用於Denied Party Screener程序Access to UPS Address Book information for use in the Denied Party Screener process
- 我一時衝動決定去參加party,所以我匆忙套了件衣服就去了。I decided to go to the party on the spur of the moment, so I threw on some clothes and left.
- Denied Party Screener交易詳情將被儲存達90天,並讓您取出Denied Party Screener transaction details will be stored and can be accessed for 90 days
- 周六開"party"的主意太妙了,我一定帶一個蛋糕來德國特產。The idea of a party on Saturday sounds marvelous and I promise to bring cake for it - - a German specialty.
- 那個女孩昨天被Tom邀請到party,她上周在科學競賽中贏得了獎品。The girl, invited by Tom to the party yesterday, won the prize in the science competition last week.
- 因此打個比方,在party結束、酒吧關門之前,你還可以把手上的那杯喝完了再走Thus, to resume our metaphor, when the party ends and the bar is closed, you are allowed to finish your drink.
- Denied Party Screener允許您使用單一資源,按照目的地國家或貿易方搜尋受限貿易方。Denied Party Screener allows you to use a single source to search for restricted trading parties by destination country or by party.
- 當您處理訂單或準備貨件時,Denied Party Screener可提供在線上獲取隨時進行快速有效的搜尋。When you are processing an order or preparing a shipment, the Denied Party Screener provides online access to perform quick and efficient searches at any time.
- 檢查是否只能在「Number of people in party」(團隊人數)文本框中輸入介於1和20之間的數值。Check that you can enter only numeric values between 1 and 20 in the Number of people in party text box.
- 必須符合句中的邏輯關係在經濟建設的實踐中,特別是整Party中,在經濟體制改革中,已經並正在成長大批優秀人才。Large numbers of talented persons have come to the fore in economic construction, especially in the course of Party consolidation and the reform of the economic structure.