- 凡破世界紀錄、洲紀錄、全國紀錄或運動會記錄者都必須接受興奮劑檢查。16腳踝受傷What seems to be the matter?Those breaking the world,the continental,the national and the games record must take the doping test.
- 在此優化衍生條件下,成功檢測了清醒嗎啡戒斷大鼠腦導水管周圍灰質(Periaqueductal gray matter,PAG)微透析液中谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)和精氨酸(arginine,Arg)含量變化。Using the optimized condition of amino acid derivatization, we investigated the changes in L- arginine (L-Arg) and L-glutamate (L-Glu) concentration in periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) microdia-lytes of free-moving morphine-withdrawal rats.
- 溶解有機氮(dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)與溶解有機碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)相結合在湖泊水體溶解有機質(dissolved organic matter,DOM)的研究中少有報道.Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen(DON) are rarely measured together when studying dissolved organic matter(DOM) in lake water.
- 目的:探討刺激大鼠海馬後導水管周圍灰質(Periaqueductal central gray matter,PAG)、中縫大核(Nucleusraphes magnus,NRM)和脊髓背角5-HT的變化,分析海馬在鎮痛中的作用機制。Objective:To study the changes of 5-HT in (Periaqueductal central gray matter PAG) ,Nucleus raphes maguns in brain stem and drosal horn of spinal cord after stimulation of hippocampus and to investigate the mechanism of hip-pocampal analgesia.
- 他回家跟太太討論這件事,好也很惋惜。 不過,她說:「她走了也好,我看她編的副刊並不精彩。When Hung-chien discussed the matter with his wife on his return home, she too was distressed by it, but said, "The section she edited wasn't very exciting.