- Will this paint give a gloss or a matt finish? 這種顏料有無光澤?
- Matte Finish Gel is perfect for all skin types. 適合任何皮膚人士選用。
- Will this paint give a glossor a matt finish? 這種顏料有無光澤?
- Will this paint give a gloss or a matt finish ? 這種顏料有無光澤?
- Boosting the packs』 look is Fres-Co』s Matte Finish Select? 推進包'看起來是頻率鈷的啞光選擇?
- You can have the photos with either a gloss or a matt finish. 你可選擇用光面或布面相紙洗這些照片。
- Gold Class Endurance Original formula leaves a dark satin matte finish. 金裝持續原始配方可提高黑色的光澤度。
- "Gouache paints dry to a matte finish and, if desired, without visible Brush marks. 廣告色畫干時表面無光,如果要求效果,也能使刷痕看不見。
- Its water-smooth texture melts into the skin, leaving a residue-free, smooth, matte finish. 並在肌膚表面形成保護屏障,防止水分流失,適合任何皮膚使用;
- The shining in the sun, the child grew and became a matte finish into a cute little girl dancing in the spring. 在陽光的照耀下,粉嫩的孩子漸漸長大,變成了一位可愛的小女孩,在春雨中翩翩起舞。
- Visually, the fillets will appear as having a matte finish, not as bright and shiny as the tin/lead alloy. 此外,無鉛合金的焊點表面並不像錫/鉛合金那麼明亮、光滑。
- Since pickling leaves the stainless steel with a matte finish, the bodies are then lightly polished to restore some lustre. 由於酸洗留下了啞光不鏽鋼的屍體,然後輕輕洗擦,以恢復一些光澤。
- Mat Finish Shine Control Sheer Loose Powder 啞麗控油完妝蜜粉
- Can be used as Foundation, Concealer or Make up base.Use at the last step of basic beauty routine.Can apply a layer of loose powder for a more matte finish. 可作為隔離霜、修飾霜、粉底霜使用,請於基礎保養的最後一道步驟使用,可以在按壓一層粉餅或蜜粉,膚色更細緻粉嫩。
- Our Mica-Free foundation contains only: Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Silica, Iron Oxides. Only available in matte finish of course, has a creamy finish, and the silica helps conceal fine lines. 我們的無雲母粉底只含有:氧化鋅,二氧化鈦,氧化硅,氧化鐵。僅在啞光的處理過程中有乳化,而氧化硅有助於掩飾細紋。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀佔去了我大部分的閑暇時間。
- Metal surface: the use of computer flower cars, laser engraving, precision etching, the depth of relief, high-light, matte finish, sandblast, nails and many other process way sand. 金屬表面:採用電腦車花、激光雕刻、精密蝕刻、深淺浮雕、高光、啞光、噴沙、釘沙等多種工藝方式。
- The poster maintains the highest quality standards set forth by its predecessors: the finest quality inks digitally offset on heavy window card stock with a special durable matte finish. 海報維護它的前輩指出的最優質的標準: 最美好的質量墨水在重的窗口數位抵銷了卡片材料與特別耐久的表面無光澤的結束。
- Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine. 露珠在陽光下閃閃發光。
- Would you put a good shine on these boots? 你把這些靴子好好擦一下好嗎?