- Soon the car will go into mass production. 這種小汽車不久即可投入批量生產。
- Sponge Cake Machine for mass production. 可大批量生產的松糕機。
- The engineers have worked out some ways of controlling quality in high-speed industrial mass production. 工程師們已經找出一些方法來控制在高速、大批量情況下生產出來的產品的質量。
- When the mass product that supplier offer is in problem, assistance quality department, tracking correct asap. 對供應商的產品出現批量性質量問題時,協助質量部門進行追蹤整改。
- Assist on initial sample releasing for mass production. 批量生產前首樣放行。
- But mass production is not possible except when people buy freely. 但是,批量生產只有在人們自由購買時才有可能。
- Handle with part non-conformity during mass production. 處理日常生產中來料和產線異常零件。
- Mass production has brought many old trades to an end. 許多老字號商行都敗給了大規模生產。
- It's mass production that has reduced the prices of cars. 是大規模生產降低了汽車的價格。
- These precise instruments have already gone into mass production. 這些精密儀器已經大規模投入生產。
- Please confirm it ASAP so that we can start mass production. 請儘快確認,以便我們開始大批生產。
- The newly developed extinguisher has been put into mass production. 新研製成的滅火劑已經大規模投入生產了。
- They can stamp out identical chips by a mass production process. 通過大量生產過程,他們能把相同的碎片衝壓成型。
- Mass customization is a kind of product mode which is to organically combine tbe customization product mode and mass product mode according to the individual customers(needs. 摘要大批量定製是面向客戶需求,把定製生產和大量生產有機地結合起來的一種生產方式。
- Fiber muller is used in the mass product of fiber linkers which has the uniformity rubbing character to the fiber flank with the revolution and rotation turret. 光纖研磨機採用具有公轉、自轉複合的轉檯運動機構實現光纖端面的均勻研磨性能,適用於大批量生產光纖連接器件。
- This charming idea gave way in the era of mass production to paper confetti. 這一拋撒花瓣的可愛習俗在批量生產的時代被五彩的碎紙所取代。
- It takes years for a new plane to move from drawing board to mass production. 一種新型飛機從圖板設計階段轉入大批量生產要經曆數年時間。
- The development of a suitable mass production technique seems unlikely. 適於他們大量制種的技術看來尚未發展成熟。
- Having been trial-produced several times ,this new product will be put into mass production . 這種新產品經過幾次試製,將投入成批生產。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的水汽團。