- unreinforced masonry panel walls 無配筋的磚石幕牆
- A section of panels or paneled wall. 鑲板面鑲板或鑲板的牆的一個部分
- Between the columns were light, hollow panel walls of double brick. 柱間是兩磚厚的輕質空心節間牆。
- Apart from being used in road material as the concrete additive instead of a part of cements, fly ash also is made panel wall and brick as the main material. 國內在利用粉煤灰方面也取得不少成就,除了將粉煤灰用作混凝土摻和料代替部分水泥用於築路材料外,目前以粉煤灰為主要材料來製作的建材製品有粉煤灰牆板及粉煤灰磚等。
- The office was a front parlour with a panelled wall. 公堂設在牆上有護壁板的前廳。
- It is dark, and tranquil, and lit by a single panel wall of glass, barely discernible against a backdrop of manicured ancient garden forms, moss and stone, all floating on watery sound. 光線很暗,很安靜,透過一面鑲嵌玻璃的牆可以看到後面一個古老的庭院,長著苔蘚的石頭,淙淙的水聲。
- G.C.Zhou,M.Yafiq and D. Easterbrook. 「 APPLICATION OF CELLULAR AUTOMATA IN ANALYSING LATERALLY LOADED MASONRY PANELS」. 6 th International Masonry Conference, November 4-6, London , 2002. 汪越,周廣春。框架結構的空間相關地震反應分析。東北林業大學學報,1994年專輯。
- The paneled walls were covered with portraits. 鑲有木板的牆上掛了畫像。
- AMX color touch panel wall button panel AMX彩色觸控螢幕及牆上按鈕
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建築物上落下的一塊石頭砸著了。
- There is no precedent that high-pressure jet grouting and mould vibrosinging of impervious panel walls are comprehensively applied in one project. 高壓噴射灌漿防滲技術和振動沉模防滲板牆技術在一個工程中綜合運用尚無先例。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在風中百葉窗砰砰地碰在牆上。
- The pillars hold up the masonry. 柱子支持著石頭房屋。
- Material or masonry used to support a structure, such as a wall. 基礎材料用於支撐結構的材料或磚石建築,例如牆
- I was hurt by a piece of falling masonry. 我被掉下來的一塊建築用石塊砸傷。
- My name is down on the panel of jurors. 我的名字已列入陪審員名單。
- He moderated on a weekly panel show. 他主持每周的討論節目。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全體陪審員一致通過了一項決定。
- The masonry of the old building began to crumble. 舊樓房的磚石結構開始崩落。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 掛在牆壁上的畫是歪的。