- You arrived at your conclusion using the methods of formal logic. 你這個結論是按照形式邏輯的方法推論出來的。
- Reorganized to fit a grid of formal logic, and meaning was shorn off the appearance of objects in. 然後進行重組來適應一個形式邏輯的框架;意義也脫離了所知道的客觀物體的外觀。
- These questions do not test the rote recall of facts from outside the passage, isolated vocabulary items, or rules of formal logic. 這些題不用文章之外去死記硬背獨立的辭彙和邏輯關係。
- We see people as the most valued asset. 我們視人才為最寶貴的財富。
- Th e first stage is the formal logic simply prescribed by subjectivism or objectivi ty. 第一階段就是:美的「主觀論」、「客觀論」等單一性規定的形式邏輯;
- Kinds of dialectical logic and formal logic will be completely in opposition to the attitude is wrong. 那種將辯證邏輯與形式邏輯對立起來的態度是錯誤的。
- The development of human thought mainly experien ces three stages, namely, the formal logic, the dialectical logic, and the obscure l ogic. 人類思維的發展大致經歷了三個基本階段,即形式邏輯、辯證邏輯、模糊邏輯。
- His attack on traditional family life was so intemperate that everything they most valued seemed trampled on. 他對傳統家庭生活的攻擊是如此激烈,以至於他們所珍視的一切似乎都遭到了踐踏。
- This paper briefly introduces how to design such a cooling system,and accumulates many valued experience on exploitation of such large cooling system. 簡要介紹了油田用制氮設備冷卻系統的設計開發,為今後大型冷卻系統的開發工作積累了寶貴的經驗。
- Many values can be expressed as more than one type. 許多值可以表示為多種類型。
- We can say that the four-line format of the xiaodiao, on account of its universality and succinct incisiveness, demonstrates the formal logic which is a national characteristic. 可以說,小調中的"四句頭",歷來以它的普遍性和簡潔件深刻而又典型地揭示了這種極具民族特徵的思維邏輯。
- Peter Eisenman: First of all I'm more valued in Europe. 首先我必須說我比較偏向歐洲。
- Their common ground is that they regard formal Logic as predicative Logic, and attempt to lay a foundation for it with a pre-predicative, philosophical Logic. 他們的共同點在於:把形式邏輯看作陳述邏輯;並試圖用前謂詞判斷的哲學邏輯學來為它奠基.
- The relationship between technological determinism(TD) and social constructivism(SC) is not opposite but in schism analyzed from formal logic and dialectic logic. 從形式邏輯和辯證邏輯兩個方面加以分析,「技術決定論」與「社會建構論」是並非對立而是分立的關係。
- He doesn't put much value on what you say. 他不重視你說的話。
- This trio so, on subjective assessment of Menger's most valued role. 而這三人中,又以門格爾最為看重主觀評價的作用。
- Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows. 所以不要怕,你們比許多麻雀還貴重。
- Sweep, not a mastery of detail, was the virtue most valued in campaign oratory. 在競選演講中,最有效的是氣勢磅礴,而不是把握細節。
- BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) is a mature architecture for intelligent agents. In this paper, the BDI theory is applied to the design of multi robot systems. Firstly, the system model is described with formal logic model. BDI模型是智能體設計的一種成熟結構 ;本文將BDI模型應用於多機器人智能體系統設計中 .
- Most values are near the lower end of the range. 大多數數值都接近這個範圍的較低限度。