- It takes a bit of nerve to transport explosives. 運輸炸藥要有點膽量。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一個製造業集團的總會計師。
- The dogs were trained to detect the presence of explosives. 那些狗是訓練來查尋爆炸物的。
- British manufacturing industry has been running down for years. 英國的製造業多年來一直在走下坡路。
- Explosives, especially when designed or used as weapons. 炸藥炸藥,特別是指設計為或用作武器的炸藥
- But not all these light metals all can suit the manufacturing plane. 並不是所有這些輕金屬都能適合製造飛機的。
- Gunpowder, dynamite and gun cotton are explosives. 黑色火藥、甘油炸藥和強棉葯都是炸藥。
- The company had holdings in German manufacturing company. 該公司擁有德國製造公司的股份。
- If you're careless with explosives they can blow you into the next world. 如果你對炸藥掉以輕心,那這玩意可會送你上西天的。
- Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. 由於燃料短缺受到影響,製造業首當其衝。
- The tanks were blown to pieces by high explosives. 坦克給烈性炸藥炸成碎塊了。
- They must have planted many explosives here. 他們准在這裡埋了很多炸藥。
- The miners put some explosives in the mine. 礦工在礦井裡放了些炸藥。
- Finally,the processing of the affect system is also explo... 最後探討了感情系統的加工特徵。
- No dangerous explosives may be taken aboard. 不許攜帶炸藥乘坐機船。
- A combustible fuse for detonating explosives. 導火索用於引爆的可燃導火線
- They must have planted many explosives there. 他們一定在這裡埋了很多炸藥。
- It's a cellar for storing explosives! 原來是放炸藥的地窖呀!
- The shift away from manufacturing is also a factor. 勞動力從製造領域的轉出也是原因之一。
- It's most dangerous to play with explosives. 玩弄炸藥是很危險的。