- Naipaul』s culture identity is very complex: his ancestors were from India, he was born in Telinida, and then migrated England. 奈保爾有著複雜的文化身份:他是印度勞工的後裔,出生在特立尼達,而後又移民英國。
- In fact, the so-called "a pile of paradoxes" means that Lin"s culture identity that he had constructed was complex and hybridity. 其實,他的「一捆矛盾」實質上是他自己建構的文化身份的複雜性與「混雜性」。
- man' s cultural identity 人的文化本體
- Britain 's Cultural Identities Alan Hudson 英國文化的認同
- China 's Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors. 中華民俗園為遊人提供了各種各樣的娛樂項目。
- Naipaul』s peculiar construction of cultural identity and cultural views make his works present an exiling feature. 奈保爾獨特的文化身份建構和文化價值觀使得他的創作散發出濃郁的流亡氣息。
- Language communication is seen as a shaper of cultural identity. 交際被看作是文化特徵的一種形式。
- Their social and cultural identity washed away after some centuries. 幾個世紀以後,他們的社會和文化特徵消逝了。
- The highland game is part of Scotland 's cultural heritage. 蘇格蘭高地遊戲是蘇格蘭文化遺產的一部分。
- Cultural misreading, which means the translator's rewriting and manipulating of the source language and culture., indicates his cultural identity and subjectivity in translation. 翻譯中的文化誤讀是譯者對原語文化的重寫和操縱,集中體現了譯者的文化身份和主體性。
- Are there Any Needs to Reconstruct the Oriental Nations'Cultural Identity? 東方民族文化身份需要重構嗎?
- That was in 1967-68, when Albania was aping China』s Cultural Revolution. 那是1967-68年的事,阿爾巴尼亞效仿中國的文化大革命。
- It had a cultural identity relatively immune to subversion from neighboring countries. 它的文化同一性使它相對地不易被鄰國所顛覆。
- Historic buildings are symbols of our cultural identity and continuity which can always give us a sense of wonder. 簡單而言,文物建築是我們文化認同及延續的象徵,現代人無不對於它們的結構特色感到驚嘆。
- Agriculture as a way of life, as heritage, as cultural identity, as an ancient pact with nature - has no price tag. 農業作為一種生活方式,一種遺產,一種文化身份,一種與自然的古老契約,並無價格標籤。
- He knows our business and will immediately fit with BGI's culture. 他對我們的業務十分熟悉,能很快地融入BGI的公司文化中去。」
- China and Japan"s culture including music has homology. 包括音樂在內的中日兩國文化具有一定的共通性。
- The abandonment of dialects and the lack of a clear cultural identity have aggravated the situation. 方言的遺棄和文化認同意識模糊,更加劇了華文程度低落的病情。
- Female body, as the most bad things in the man"s culture, because of it is closely contact female"s ideas and inspirits.So it is the most useful writing means. 作為男權文化中諱莫如深的「身體」,由於與女性思想、精神的同在性,它構成了女性打破男性話語霸權,是建構女性真實自我形象最為直接、有效的寫作途徑。
- The protagonist Xu Datong enjoys the liberation of cultural identity and identifies with the American dream. 男主人公享受著文化身份的解放,認同異質美國文化,信仰「美國夢」精神。