- Does Mrs. Smith know the makeup of Chinese characters? 史密斯太太了解漢字的構造嗎?
- Union into the elite of Chinese society, this is a warm sky. 走進中華精英聯盟社團,這裡是一片溫暖的天空。
- There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of Chinese society. 中國社會所有的組成部分都發生了很大變化。
- This is wholly justifiable and entirely consistent with the moral concepts of Chinese society. 這是完全正當的,完全符合中國社會的道德觀念。
- Chinese humanism spirit is the fundamental spirit in the development of Chinese society. 中華人文精神是中華民族發展進程中一以貫之的根本精神。
- Second, the amelioration of unsanitary sights in the foreign Settlement and the reform of Chinese society. 二、租界衛生景觀的改善和華人社會的變革維新;
- Genotype: Genetic makeup of an organism. 基因型: 一個生物體的遺傳組成。
- Sumptuous banquets, financed by public money, have long been the bane of Chinese society. 公費吃喝是群眾反映強烈的不正之風之一。
- I send my best wishes to PACE and all its members on behalf of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences(CSES). 在此,我代表中國環境科學學會向全球中國環境專家協會以及所有的PACE會員表示節日的祝賀。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那個時期是中國文學史上光輝的一頁。
- These images are symbolistic argots about realistic prospect of Chinese society. 這些影像是關於中國社會現實圖景的象徵主義的隱語。
- Obtain knowledge of Chinese society, culture, and customs, developing the ability of living independently. 對中國社會、文化、風格有較清晰的了解,具有獨立生活能力。
- The genetic makeup of these viruses allows for frequent mutations. 這些病毒的基因組成使它們能夠頻繁的突變。
- But due to the actual of Chinese society, he also proposed that government be supervised by "pacification". 然而,無論前者還是後者,在當時救亡壓倒一切的背景和社會政治架構下都不可能實現。
- We must have the mental preparative to word hard for the democracy consult in actual condition of Chinese society. 在中國現行的社會條件下,我們必須有為「民主協商」付出努力的心理準備。
- After the founding of the People's Republic,the transition of Chinese society from a new- democratic to a socialist society was effected step by step. 中華人民共和國成立以後,我國社會逐步實現了由新民主主義到社會主義的過渡。
- It's a collection of Chinese jade. 這是收藏的一批中國玉器。
- For it is these two that are the chief oppressors,the chief obstacles to the progress of Chinese society at the present stage. 因為,在現階段的中國社會中,壓迫和阻止中國社會向前發展的主要的東西,不是別的,正是它們二者。
- Is Chinese society on the verge of collapse? 中國面臨社會崩潰?
- Since1976 forms of social dance, such as ballroom and disco, have become popular pastimes at all levels of Chinese society. 自從1976年以來,歌舞廳和迪廳里的各種交際舞變成了中國社會各個階層人們喜愛的娛樂方式。