- Adversity [Misery] makes strange bedfellows. ((諺))患難把很不相同的人湊在一起; 同病相憐。
- Misery makes strange bedfellows. 難中不擇友。
- Misfortune makes strange bedfellows. 不幸使素昧平生的人成了朋友。
- Adversity makes strange bedfellow. 逆境把很不同的人湊在了一起。
- Gohan and Aochan make strange bedfellows: one's a3.5- inch dwarf hamster; the other is a four-foot rat snake. 誰說蛇一定是老鼠的天敵?在日本東京的一家動物園內,一隻長不足9厘米的老鼠與一條1米多長的蛇就成為了親密無間的室友。
- The Sino-Japanese War made strange bedfellows of the KMT and the CCP. 中日戰爭使國民黨和共產黨成了同床異夢的夥伴。
- Misery acquaint men with strange bedfellow. 情知不是伴,事急且相隨。
- A-acquaints men with strange bedfellows. [諺]難中不擇友,飢不擇食。
- adversity makes strange Bedfellows. 逆境使各種不同的人成為夥伴(共同的危險會使仇敵聯合起來)。
- Adversity makes strange bedfellows 身處逆境不擇友
- Adversity acquaints men with strange bedfellows. 難中不擇友,飢不擇食。
- Poverty acquaints men with strange bedfellows. 貧窮使陌生者成為同床好友。
- Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows. (諺)落難時不擇夥伴。
- Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellow. 情知不是伴,事急且相隨。
- English: Adversity acquaints men with strange bedfellows. 中文:客舍休悲柳色新,何處相逢非故人。
- The fortunes of war create strange bedfellows,ie unexpected alliances. 戰亂使人萍水相逢(意料之外的結合)。
- The fortunes of war create strange bedfellows, ie unexpected alliances. 戰亂使人萍水相逢(意料之外的結合).
- It's cute! But why is it making strange noises? 好可愛喔!咦?牠為何在出怪聲?
- The woman claimed to be able to speak with the dead,and would go into a trance and make strange noises. 這個婦女稱能同死者對話,她會陰魂附身,並且會發出奇怪的聲響。
- The woman claimed to be able to speak with the dead, and would go into a trance and make strange noises. 這個婦女稱能同死者對話,她會陰魂附身,並且會發出奇怪的聲響。