- In the face of fierce competition situation, we believe that new ideas for development, make new breakthroughs in innovation. 面對激烈的競爭局勢,我們認為發展要有新思路,革新要有新突破。
- In all this on the basis of our previous versions will also make new breakthroughs, more personalized interface, close a number of additional features, you will love. 而在這一切的基礎上,我們還將在以往的版本中作出新的突破,更個性化的界面,增加多項貼心功能、會讓你愛不釋手。
- Zhang Jie good Changgong seems to be inherent in this new album, Zhang Jie addition to the continuation of their own outside Da-qi Styles also make new breakthroughs. 張傑的好唱功似乎是與生俱來的,在本張新專輯中,張傑除了延續自己的大器曲風之外也有新突破。
- In order to attain the Party's objectives for the new stage in the new century,it is imperative to come up with new ideas for development,make new breakthroughs in reform,break new ground in opening up and take new moves in all fields of endeavor. 為完成黨在新世紀新階段的這個奮鬥目標,發展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,開放要有新局面,各項工作要有新舉措。
- In order to attain the Party's objectives for the new stage in the new century, it is imperative to come up with new ideas for development, make new breakthroughs in reform, break new ground in opening up and take new moves in all fields of endeavor. 為完成黨在新世紀新階段的這個奮鬥目標,發展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,開放要有新局面,各項工作要有新舉措。
- Make new breakthroughs in reform 改革要有新突破
- 83 Make new breakthroughs in reform. 改革要有新突破.
- In the past year, China's high-tech industries have made new breakthrough at the aspects of mechanism reform, technology innovation and industrialization of technology achievements. 在過去的一年裡,中國高新技術產業在體制改革、科技創新和科技成果產業化等方面都有了新的突破。
- In the past year,China's high-tech industries have made new breakthrough at the aspects of mechanism reform,technology innovation and industrialization of technology achievements. 在過去的一年裡,中國高新技術產業在體制改革、科技創新和科技成果產業化等方面都有了新的突破。
- The king said he could not make new laws if he was so hedged in by old ones. 國王說如果他如此受舊法律的眼制,他就不能制定新法律。
- Network Portal Marketing, New Age New Breakthrough. 網路門戶營銷 新時代新超越.
- With new breakthroughs in agricultural restructuring. 農業結構調整有了新突破。
- This gave us a chance to make new acquaintances. 這給了我們機會結識新朋友。
- Making More Efforts to Creating Innovative Working Mechanism to Make New Breakthroughs of Legal Publicity and Education Work 著力創新工作機制實現法制宣傳教育工作新突破
- When you make new friend,do not forget the old one. 新交勿忘老友。
- New breakthrough had been made in reform and opening-up. 改革開放實現新突破。
- Join a social club to make new friends. 加入一個社交俱樂部,好交一些新朋友。
- It's always a pleasure for me to make new friends. 我總是樂意結識新朋友。
- He is going to make new things from coal and oil. 他打算用煤和石油製成新東西。
- The Make New Connection Wizard cannot be deleted. 新建連接嚮導不能備刪除。