- It is apparent that the Michelson interferometer can be used to make extremely accurate length measurements. 很明顯,可以用邁克耳孫干涉儀進行極精確的長度測量。
- One of the earliest uses was to make extremely precise measurements of distance and speed. 最早期的用途之一就是非常精確地測量距離和速度。
- "There are only two ways we know of to make extremely complicated things," says Hillis."One is by engineering, and the other is evolution. 「我們知道,只有兩種方法能製造出結構極其複雜的東西,」希利斯說,「一個是依靠工程學,另一個是通過進化。
- During the winter, when the trains are blocked up by the snow, these sledges make extremely rapid journeys across the frozen plains from one station to another. 在冬季遍地冰雪的平原上,當火車被大雪阻礙不能前進的時候,就可以用這種交通工具,從這一站很快地滑到另一站。
- A cultured Mandarin made extremely beautiful gestures when he was angry. 一個有教養的清朝官吏在發怒的時候,做出非常優美的姿態。
- The author, an Ajax expert, demonstrates how these technologies work together - from an overview to a detailed look - to make extremely efficient Web development an easy reality. 本文的作者是一位Ajax專家,他展示了這些技術如何協同工作從總體概述到細節的討論使高效率的Web開發成為現實。
- Hang a function a lot of, can place dressing, chopstick, bottle and kitchen knife, make extremely mixed and disorderly kitchen space becomes neat and orderly. 金屬掛件讓廚房空間獲得延伸,不論是瓶瓶罐罐,還是碗盤杯碟,都有了自己的位置。
- Ogryns(Homo Sapiens Giganticus) are endorsed in some regiments of the Imperial Guard because they are loyal, very strong and make extremely effective shock troops. 歐根蠻人,這些巨人因為他們的忠誠,因為他們的強壯,因為他們能成為極其有效的突擊部隊而被一部分帝國防衛軍的師團所收編。
- Personas can certainly be used in combination with these other modeling techniques, and as we』ll discuss at the end of the chapter, some other models make extremely useful complements to personas. 在任意情況下,人物角色能夠和其他建模技術一起組合使用。 並且正如我們在本章的末尾所討論的,一些模型極好地補充了人物角色。
- One way of explaining this is that pins configured as INPUT make extremely small demands on the circuit that they are sampling, say equivalent to a series resistor of 100 Megohms in front of the pin. 我們可以這樣來理解,在取樣時,只需要在電路中通過非常小的電量,就好比在該介面前放置了100歐姆的電阻。
- Of everything that he saw he made extremely drawings, which he explained with copious notes. 他把看到的東西十分仔細地描繪出來,還作了大量的註解。
- If this section of crystal piano musical box as the gift present, certainly will appear precious upscale and has the makings extremely. 這款水晶鋼琴音樂盒如果作為禮物贈送,一定會顯得名貴高檔而又極具氣質。
- The refinement of the Bessemer process for making steel (lighter and stronger than iron) made extremely tall buildings possible. 後來柏塞麥鍊鋼法的改進使極高的高層建築的建造成為可能。
- Here's how to emulate the guttural lyrics that make extreme metal music distinct. 這裡我將告訴你怎樣用喉部唱出這種極端的金屬音樂。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他將一片麵包對摺做成三明治
- This sentence doesn't make sense. 這個句子沒有意義。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他請裁縫把他的褲子翻改了一下。
- To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. 包餃子是他的拿手好戲。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他給鴨肉加了點豬油使它美味可口。
- This is to pass will far infrared ray to get together optical system makes extremely imperceptible grain besmear cloth come true in leather insole surface with accept rice technology. 這是通過將遠紅外線聚光體以納米技術製成極其微細的顆粒塗布在皮革鞋墊表面實現的。