- Magan International, a Canadian maker of car parts, has also made an offer to buy Chrysler. Magan reportedlly has offered more than four and a half billion dollars. 私人資本集團在公開地把貿易公司私有化方面是個專家,他們購買公司全部的股票,然後改變公司的運行,增加公司的價值,最後他們再把公司賣給公眾股東從中牟利。
- Magna International, a Canadian maker of car parts, has also made an offer to buy Chrysler. Magna reportedly has offered more than four and a half billion dollars. 一個加拿大的汽車配件商也投標購買克萊斯勒。
- You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick. 關於你要跟。
- This is not an offer to buy or sell any funds referred to herein. 本文並不因此提議或邀請閣下買賣有關基金.
- David: You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick. 可你從沒說過和帕崔做生意的事啊。
- As soon as we are able to make an offer, we'll cable you. 一旦我方能發盤,就會電告你方。
- The whole Ivan Campo dreams of clocking the Conejo and intends to make an offer to Real Madrid in the coming days. 整個伊萬坎普的夢想打卡的伸展,並打算作出要約,以皇家馬德里在未來幾天內。
- This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. 本新聞稿不應被視為邀約銷售股票或誘導投資者購買股票。
- Perhaps quite early in your visit, the salesperson will most likely make an offer to "just go look at the numbers. 也許在你走訪賣主的最初時刻,營業員很可能提出一個競購報價,先讓你「去看看有多少」。
- This information is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. 該信息並非任何有價證券之出售要約或購買要約邀請。
- He made an offer to that handsome girl but was rejected. 他向那個漂亮女孩求了婚,但是被拒絕了。
- This is neither an offer to buy or sell nor a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities mentioned herein. 我公司及其所屬關聯機構可能會持有報告中提到的公司所發行的證券頭寸並進行交易,還可能為這些公司提供或爭取提供投資銀行業務服務。
- Tuttosport says Juve are maintaining contact with Maduro's representatives and will make an offer to the young midfielder at the turn of the year. 都靈體育報稱尤文一直和馬杜羅保持有聯繫,也將在來年馬上給這名年輕中場球員一份合同。
- An offer to buy a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price. The price that the market participants are willing to pay. 以指定了的價格購買特定數量的商品。市場參與者願意支付的價格。
- The bidding battle rumors came amid a New York Post report that EMI Group Chief Executive Jim Fifield might be in the final stages of planning an offer to buy the music company. 收購戰的傳言源自紐約郵報的一篇報道,報道說百代公司前行政總裁費菲爾德可能不久提出其收購百代音樂公司的計劃。
- Can you make an offer on fob basis? 能報給我離岸價嗎?
- He says that his offer to buy us out still stands good. 他說他收買我們股權的建議仍有效。
- The email is being furnished for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any investment. 本郵件僅為提供信息只用,不應視為銷售之要約,亦不應視作購買投資產品之誘導。
- Kerkorian, now 91 years old, previously held by General Motors for nearly 10% of the shares last year, Chrysler has launched an offer to buy, but ended in failure. 柯克里安現年91歲,此前曾持有通用汽車將近10%25的股份,去年曾對克萊斯勒發起收購要約,但以失敗告終。
- Offer to buy all or a majority of share in a company so as to control it. 提議購買一公司的全部或大部分股票,目的是為了控制它。