- From merely hearing them utter a word or seeing them make a gesture, one obtains a glimpse of sombre secrets in their past and of sombre mysteries in their future. 我們只須觀察他們的一言一行便可想見他們過去生活中一些見不得人的隱事和未來生活中一些陰謀鬼計。
- So absorbed was he that we didn't dare to make a sound. 他是那樣全神貫注,我們都不敢出聲了。
- Carol: Fine, don't say a word... Just sit there, not making a sound, pervert! If that jerk calls for me again, tell him I'm not home. 卡羅爾:你為什麼不說話,那你就永遠別出聲音,真可惡。那傢伙再來電話,就說我不在家。
- He crept into the house trying not to make a sound. 他躡手躡腳地溜進房子里,盡量不弄出一點聲響。
- With the goat you make a sound like a sheep. 山羊:做綿羊的叫聲。
- You can depend on him to make a sound choice. 你可以依靠他作出正確的選擇。
- A safe conscience make a sound sleep. 心安理得睡得香。
- To make a hiccup or a sound like a hiccup. 打呃或發出類似打呃的聲音
- To make a sound resembling laborious breathing. 氣喘似的響發出呼哧呼哧的聲音
- It made a sound a sound like a whisper. 它製造出一種象耳語的聲音。
- When it miaowed, it made a sound like a whisper. 當他喵喵叫時,它發出像耳語一樣的聲音。
- They made a sound investigation. 他們做了徹底的調查。
- But prince has endured, has not made a sound. 但王子還是忍受了,沒有發出一點聲音。
- Look at the picture, please. Who can make a word problem of it? 請說說圖意。
- A word of this friend makes a person savour repeatedly. 這位朋友的一番話令人品味再三。
- There is somebody coming! Keep down and don't make a sound. 有人來了,躺下別出聲!
- So absorbed was he that Linda hadn't dared to make a sound. 他是那樣聚精會神,琳達不敢弄出一點響聲。
- And we didn't talk for hours, no, we didn't make a sound. 而且我們沒有長談,不,是根本沒有出聲。
- If you have a word that is not in the built-in vocabularies, the TTS can make a reasonable guess at how it should sound to be spoken. 如果您有一個詞不在內建的辭彙表中,TTS就可以合理地猜測這個詞該如何發音。
- To make a sound similar to that of a hen, as in coaxing a horse. 發出類似的聲音發出與母雞咯咯聲相似的聲音,如馴馬時發出的聲音