- He made a false report on the output. 他虛報產量。
- Especially the fifties the make a false report of end, coxcombical just enter new China benign.. 非凡是五十年代末的虛報、浮誇把新中國剛剛步入良性...
- Its Central Plains because, the likelihood is former owner and intermediary company were colluded with, raise up the price of make a false report, can earn intermediary fee more. 其中原因,可能是原業主與中介公司串通了,虛報抬價,可以多賺中介費。
- Please note that making a false report and wasting police time both incur criminal penalties. 請注意,虛報和浪費警方時間會招致刑事處分。
- He made a false accusation against his neighbor. 他誣告他的鄰居。
- He was tempted into making a false step. 他被引誘做了一件傻事。
- Don't make a false move or I'll shoot. 別亂動,否則我開槍了
- Martin said the boss was going to make a surprise visit, but it proved to be a false alarm. 馬丁說老闆將來個突然造訪,但結果卻是虛驚一場。
- I made a false move which enabled John to win. 我走錯了一步,結果讓約翰贏了。
- He made a false accusation against his boss. 他誣告上司。
- He made a false accusation against the Smiths. 他對史密斯先生一家進行誣告。
- He was tempted into making a false step . 他被人引誘去做了一件蠢事。
- The witness made a false statement. 目擊者作偽證。
- A false step will make a great difference to my future. 錯走一步對我的前程來說會產生很大影響。
- To make a false statement to an Officer, Conservation Officer, or Constable. 向執法人員作虛假陳述。
- Hadn't you better make a market report? 你不認為寫一份市場報告好些嗎?
- They made a false representation of the whole matter. 他們把全部事實作虛假的敘述。
- Making a false statement to the police is nothing short of perjury. 向警方說假說就是做偽證。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他將一片麵包對摺做成三明治
- He made a false confession which he later retracted. 他作了假供詞,後來又翻供。