- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我對電腦的維修保養很在行。
- He had to work hard for the maintenance of his family. 他為了養家不得不去拚命工作。
- Liber, -i, m Italian god of fertility. 注意這個Liber中的i是長音。
- The major problem is the maintenance of the child. 主要的問題是孩子的撫養費。
- Repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment. 機械及設備的維修和保養;
- Maintenance of business car for QM dept. 質量部門車輛維修保養;
- Maintenance of order is no easy job at this time. 這時候要維持秩序可不是件容易的事。
- He spent a lot on the maintenance of his car. 他在汽車維護上花了不少錢。
- In charge of maintenance of equipment. 測試系統設備維護。
- Is the maintenance of the premises adequate? 工廠廠房維護是否充分?
- Necessary for the maintenance of life processes. 維持生命過程所必需的
- Maintenance of containers or racks. 周轉箱或周轉料架的維護。
- Maintenance of elevator component knowledge. 維護電梯零部件的技術信息。
- Maintenance of our farm and farm facilities. 維護農場設施和農場面貌。
- The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility. 在傳統上,新娘花束時兒女滿堂的象徵。
- The hygiene maintenance of microbiology lab. 微生物室安全和衛生的保持.
- As a goddess of the inundation, Sothis was a goddess of fertility. 作為一位洪水女神,Sothis是一位豐收女神。
- The Lithuanian grass-snake deity and a symbol of fertility. 薩勒蒂斯是立陶宛的草蛇女神和生殖力的象徵。
- One who is responsible for the maintenance of a golf course. 高爾夫球場看管員負責看護高爾夫球場的人
- The nadir of fertility appears to be 1.3 children per woman. 生育率的最低點為每個婦女1.;3個孩子。