- The Main Business Scope of Wiseman? 主要經營範圍:承辦陸運?
- The main business scope of Knorr-Bremse Brake Equipment (Shanghai) Co. 主營產品或服務:軌道交通制動系統;
- The Main business scope of HSH is supervision and inspection on the towers of wind turbine in production. 公司主要業務之一是從事風力發電塔架製造中的產品質量監督檢驗。
- Our main business scope is to provide talent search and HR outsourcing solutions. 主要業務是為企業提供人才搜獵及人力資源外判或外包.
- Company Introduction: A joint venture, their main business scope covers domestic and international containerized multimo...... ... 公司名稱:廣東藝珂人才服務公司上海分公司工作地點:上海市發布時間:2009-7-8
- Our main business scope is the trading of mechenical electronic products, such as pneumatics, packing material, electronic products and so on . 公司貿易夥伴遍及美國、加拿大、東南亞、南美、日本、韓國,香港等國和地區。
- Company's main business scope: all kinds of self-adhesive.Intervals plastic stickers.Yi Shredded paper.Transparent easy shredding.Tags.PC hole (drum). 公司主要業務範圍: 各種不幹膠.;間隔膠貼紙
- The main business scope are: produce and sale of lightning proof products;the application and development of electric products of automobiles;EBD,GPRS,SRS,VSLV. 防雷產品的生產和銷售,汽車電子產品的應用及開發,EBD、GPRS、SRS、VSLV。
- Jinzhou New Sea?Land Logistics Co.,Ltd. is the first comprehensive logistics private stock enterprise,and the main business scope is shipping agency,freight forwarding,storage,distribution and trading. 錦州新海陸物流有限公司是集船、貨代理、倉儲、配送、商貿為一體的股份制綜合物流企業。
- Our company is mainly interior decoration, the main business scope: interior decoration, all kinds of flooring, epoxy floor paint works to provide our customers in support of my company! 我公司是以室內裝修為主,主要經營範圍:室內裝潢,各種地板,環氧樹脂地坪漆工程,希望廣大客戶支持我公司!
- The main business of this meeting is our wages claim. 這次會議的主要議題是我們在工資方面的要求。
- These articles fall within our business scope. 這些商品屬於我們的經營範圍。
- If any operation outside The business scope? 經營條件?
- We're going to broaden our business scope. 要拓展業務範圍。
- Approved Business Scope In P.R.C. 境內經核准的業務範圍。
- They want to extend their business scope. 他們想擴大業務範圍。
- Let me get down to the main business. 讓我言歸正傳吧。』還有另外一個說法
- Let's proceed to the main business of the meeting. 讓我們進入會議的主要議程。
- What is your main business activity? 你的主要生意是什麼?
- Their main business was cattle-raising. 他們的主要工作是飼養牲畜。