- Chun Lairun luxuriantly green, 10 thousand branches spit verdancy. 春來潤蔥蘢,萬枝吐新綠。
- One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with luxuriantly green sceneries. 一山飛峙大江邊,躍上蔥蘢四百旋。
- Summer is arboreous luxuriantly green certainly here, cool and refreshing and delightful. 快八點的時候,隊伍正式開拔,踏上我們的征程。
- The building is left the hill of serve as a lookout that is arboreous luxuriantly green, dike is on the right side of. 房屋左側是樹木蔥鬱的觀風山,右側是河堤。
- Spring in Beijing is luxuriantly green and beautiful. These trees had no leaves on when I just got here last November. 北京的春天鬱鬱蔥蔥,很漂亮。去年11月份剛來北京的時候,這裡還是光禿禿的。
- White chalk ashes fall in the classroom, dyeing your black hair white, but washing off our gaudiness, making our youth more luxuriantly green. 白色的粉筆灰,一陣陣地飄落在教室里,它染白了您的黑髮,卻洗盡了我們身上的浮華,將我們青春的綠色映襯得更加繁茂。
- Through the growth of period of time, luxuriantly green of branches and leaves, the flower leaves spit beautiful, have refined taste quite. 經過一段時間的生長,枝葉蔥鬱,花開吐妍,頗有雅趣。
- The park is endowed with dense natural forests, murmuring streams, luxuriantly green bamboos, and crisscross with ancient paths. 此森林公園得天獨厚,擁有者大自然賦予的茂密的森林。
- The metope of television backside a luxuriantly green, green meaning raises a key point, when although be in,watching TV, also can let an eye get have a rest. 電視機背後的牆面一片蔥蘢,綠意養眼,即使在看電視時,也能讓眼睛得到休憩。
- Look from the French window of the sitting room, luxuriantly green of the greenery in garden, strange stone rockery, wide greenery falls in sunshine flip through. 從客廳的落地窗望出去,園中綠樹蔥蘢,奇石假山,寬大的綠葉在陽光下嘩啦啦翻動。
- Melbourne is a clean and clear city combining with azure sky,pure white clouds,spotlessly clean street,endless lawn and luxuriantly green trees, which is a model of environmental city. 蔚藍的天空,潔白的雲彩,一塵不染的大街,隨處可見的草坪以及鬱鬱蔥蔥的大樹將整座城市清晰地勾勒出來,一座環保之城的典範。
- On the contrary, the sunshine there is bright and warm, the sky and the sea are clear and blue, and the mountains are luxuriously green. 那裡的陽光總是明亮溫暖,那裡的天空也永遠皓潔透亮,海是湛藍的,高山和原野有著史前世紀那樣的蔥蘢。
- The breeze strokes the graphite island lightly some corner, in the green and luxuriant green grass and the vitality abundant floret wind drags. 微風輕拂石墨島的某個角落,鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠草和生機盎然的小花風中搖曳。
- you brave snow and frost, looking more luxuriantly green; 凌霜傲雪,而越發蔥籠;
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很稱讚我們的城市。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站著等待交通信號轉為綠燈。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虛名的教授。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,這是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成綠色嗎?